
2686 Words

Rose- I toss and turn in my bed, not being able to take today’s events out of my mind.  This morning I had gotten enraged after hearing Jeremy speaking ill of me to his girlfriend, so angry that I had fought him at training.  I still didn’t understand what had come over me, why had that affected me so much?  And then just now at dinner, when our butler, Oscar, said he had a phone call.  I knew it was her, Jessica.  He almost ran out of the dining hall to go answer it.  I let a sigh escape my lips as I lay on bed, staring at my ceiling.  I actually had..well fun today.  Seeing him fall into the mud was the funniest thing, even now I was giggling as I remember his look of irritation when he stood up, drops of mud falling from his clothing.  Even irritated he looked sexy. Then my mind drifte

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