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Jeremy- “Can I please pass?” I hear a woman’s voice from the front of the room.  It was the red-head from Blood Moon, she seemed irritated as she was talking to the snob from Crescent Moon.  I see him trying to reach for her hair and she backs away with her face scrunched, seemed like she really didn’t like this asshole.  “James just wants to get to know you a little better, baby,” I hear him tell her, talk about cheesy.  She tries pushing pass him, but he wasn’t moving.  It’s one thing to flirt when it’s well reciprocated, but this guy was borderline disrespectful.  He grabs her arm right before she almost gets passed him, pulling her into his chest and I’m on edge at the sight.  If the lady doesn’t want anything to do with you, you don’t force her.  This guy was pissing me off, but before I could intervene, she knee’s him in the groin sending him wailing back in pain.  I couldn’t help, but laugh at the karma this asshole was well deserved of.  Before she heads out the door she sees me snickering and I whip around hoping she didn’t get the wrong idea.  I was in no way interested in her whatsoever, I was just worried about her safety as any gentlemen would be.  Her father’s face turns bright red as he roars after her, “Roselia!  Get back here and apologize now!”  Yikes.  I thought my dad was scary.  She didn’t stick around to apologize though.  What I could only assume was her bodyguard followed out after her and she never returned.  Her father apologized to the prick’s father profusely, quite annoyingly honestly.  Given he didn’t even bother to get her side of the story or did she do this often enough that it could be assumed she was at fault?  I found myself wondering about that more than once before I caught myself and replaced the thoughts with those of my beautiful Jessica. On the ride home, my father would not shut-up about the maidens.  “That Blood Moon one has quite the spunk in her, don’t you think darling?” my father shamelessly asks my mother while I sit in the back seat wishing I was anywhere, but here.  “Oh quite!  She is an Alpha, after all,” my mother replies.  “So, what did you think Jeremy?” my father asks me as I have not said a word and we were almost home.  “I would’ve kneed that asshole in the groin also if he grabbed me the way he did her,” I said finally.  My father rolled his eyes, clearly not the response he was looking for, “This coming month, you will be spending weeks at a time at the visiting packs, to get to know the eligible maidens,” my father began and I felt my blood boil as I interrupted, “BUT..”  “I don’t want to hear a word.  It’s been decided.  We will have the schedule within the next couple of days,” he finished as we pulled into the driveway.  I clenched my fist, trying to contain my anger.  Before the car could stop, I popped open the door and jumped out, slamming the door shut behind me.  I bolted for my room where I found my little brother waiting for me at my desk.  I slammed my door shut and flopped down on the bed.  “That bad, was it?” Eric asked.  I heaved a heavy sigh, “When you’ve already found the love of your life and your parents insist on pushing these girls onto you, yes, yes it is bad.”  “I’m sorry bro.  Wish I could take your place,” he said while looking down at his feet.  I jerked my head up, “Do you really?”  “Well yeah of course.  You know I have always looked up to Dad.  But you’re the oldest, I know how the chain works,” he responded rather quietly.  “Well, I better get to bed.  Training tomorrow,” he said as he slapped my foot and walked out of the room.  Another sigh escaped my lips and I soon found my body too heavy to lift off of the bed.  I must’ve fallen asleep because the next time I opened my eyes, it was nearly morning.  I got up to get ready for training.  When I reached the gym, my little brother was already in a tense fight with our coach.  My brother was smaller and not as muscular, but he packed a punch and could summon raw power as if from thin air.  His endurance was high and his reflexes were fast.  He was a true warrior, he well deserved the Elite rank.  After school, me and Jess found ourselves at the lake’s edge like always.   “So?” She asked me.  I looked at her confused, did I miss something?  “What?” I asked.  “You’ve been quiet.  What’s on your mind?” she asked me.  Had I been quiet?  I hadn’t noticed.  “Nothing.  I didn’t know I was being quiet, I’m sorry,” I replied as she rolled her eyes.  “Well aren’t you going to tell me how it went at the Region Meeting?” she asked impatiently.  “Oh.  Umm.. well we didn’t really discuss much,” I replied, having forgotten I hadn’t told Jess about it.  She had been resting her head on my shoulder when she scoffed and sat up straight.  “Really?  There’s nothing you can think of that I should know?” she pressed on.  I felt like I was walking into a trap.  Why did women have to speak in tongues, couldn’t they just come out and say what was bothering them?  “Uhh..” was all I could muster up to say.  She grabbed her binder and whacked at my chest with it.  “The maidens Jeremy!  The maidens!” she yelled.  “Oh,” I burst out in laughter, which from her facial expression was clearly the wrong thing to do, “That’s what you’re worried about?”  Her face turned red with anger and she crossed her arms.  “Baby, you know I don’t want to marry any of them!  I want to marry you!” I said, trying to reassure her.  She rolled her eyes while pouting, “Baby, I am going to marry you one way or another, Alpha or not, you will be my wife.”  “You promise?” she asked me, finally giving in to my attempts at hugging her.  “I love you Jessica and I want to make you my wife,” she smiled and let me place a kiss on her silky lips.  When I got home, my father left a schedule on my bed. The first week I would be spending at Mystic Shadow Pack with Brianna Winters.  I rolled my eyes and wished me and Jessica could just run far away from here.  I was just going to have to show these girls that I was very disinterested in all of this.  I would have to show them that I was not an eligible bachelor.  I had five days to explain to Jessica what would be happening and then I would be leaving for Mystic Shadow. I was jogging on the trail, sweat dripping down my temples.  My face was hot as I wiped the sweat from my eyes.  How long have I been running?  I can’t even remember waking up.  I zig zag through the trails until I end up at the lake, wishing to jump in and cool my burning skin.  I look around and notice I am alone with the lake and quickly undress.  The icy breeze cooling the heat between my legs.  I step into the cold water and growl at how good it feels around my body.  I am waist deep when I see something swimming towards me in the water.  A small figure swims forward as I watch, mesmerized by it’s graceful movements in the lake, barely causing a ripple.  As it approaches, I make out the person’s features.  A small she-wolf, with fiery red hair and green eyes that bore into mine.  She stops when she is only a few feet away.  Getting to her feet, she begins to walk towards me through the water, where as I could only see her eyes before, I can now see her entire face.  Slowly she walks foward and I realize she is naked.  The water runs off of her, revealing her bare neck and then her bare breasts.  I cannot peel my eyes from the sight of her perfect bosoms with rose-pink n*****s as sharp as daggers.  Drips of water run down her face as her glare still has not left my gaze.  I look at her plump pink lips as she is only inches from me.  “Jeremy,” my name rolling off of her tongue like butter and I feel my member awaken beneath the water.  Oh Goddess, what is happening?  What am I doing?  I feel her hand grasp my manhood and I unconsciously hold my breath.  Waves of electricity course through my body as she strokes me ever so slowly.  My will power all, but caves and I grab her cheeks, crashing my mouth against hers.  Her pace on my groin quickens and I groan into her mouth, pleading for her to continue her attack on my manhood.  My mouth leaves hers and explores her neck where I nibble at her porcelain skin feverishly.  She moans and her assault on my c**k accelerates, making my canines elongate and I bite down on her marking spot as I explode into the water.  Panting heavily and sweating profusely my eyes flutter open as I lay on my bed, my hand wrapped around my slimy c**k and some kind of hair like substance in my mouth.  I realize I have shredded my pillow to pieces and have soiled my underwear with c*m.  f**k.  What was that?  I was dreaming about that Blood Moon chick.  I get up to shower, my clothes stuck to me soaked with sweat, realizing it was morning and I would be leaving soon.  I try to shake my head of the intense dream I just had, but my c**k could still feel her grasp around it.  Relieving myself a second time in the shower, seems to do the trick and I quickly get dressed.  When I arrived at Mystic Shadow, my stomach was in knots.  I had to be a courteous guest as well as putting my foot down as an ineligible bachelor.  I would be staying in the guest room in the Winters household.  I would be going to school with her, eating with her, training with her, and spending all the extra free time we had with her and her family.  This was going to be a very long week.  
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