And so it begins

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Denny’s P.O.V "You wanna come back to my room?" the red head that was attached to my hip purred in my ear I had only been at the bonfire for about two hours and she is the third girl to ask me that question. I said no to the other two cause I have been there before more than once. It had been a good night though so far. Riley seemed to be enjoying herself which is good as long as she was having a good time that was main thing. Wait? What? Did I really just say that? Whoa. I am usually too selfish to think of anyone else. As for Chloe, that girl was so much fun...she will wild, crazy and never gave a damn, her and Riley seems like opposites maybe that's why they get on so great. Chloe was busy with her tongue down some guy’s throat and as I said I had some girl attached to my hip. And that's what I realised something where the heck is Riley? she was standing close by ten minutes ago getting hit on by some guy ...probably about the 5th guy tonight but she never seemed interested in any of them which in all honesty made me happy. What? I don't want any other guy near her...if anyone is to get anything from her it's me...I seen her first. I looked around trying to find her but she was nowhere in sight and that got me a little worried. I pulled away from the red head, heading over to Chloe "Chloe where is Riley?" I asked looking around "I thought she was with you?" she said sounding worried now "No she was talking to some guy but he is over there." I said Then the guy Chloe was making out with turned to us "She left about ten minutes ago...alone. She was heading towards the dorms." he said "She must have headed back." Chloe said "Yes. I am gonna go make sure she ok." I said and Chloe nodded I never even said anything to the red head and started walking back towards the dorms, heading straight to Riley room. I knocked on the door a few times before she answered "What do you want?" she asked sounding pissed at me, nothing unusual there then. "I wanted to make sure you were Ok? Why did you leave without saying anything?" I asked annoyed She rolled her eyes, turning away from me and walking back into her dorm and I followed her. Have I missed something? She seems more pissed at me than usual. "Like you care. Where's your red head or your blond or your brunette." she hissed not even looking at me. It’s then I realised what was wrong. She was jealous because I was with other girls. I wanted to smirk but decided would be safer now too. "Of course I care. Riley have I done something to upset you?" I asked "No...Fucking nothing." she hissed at me She went over, sitting on the window sill looking out onto the campus. I made my way over to her but she refused to look at me. "Are you jealous Riley?" I asked "Of what?" she whispered "Me with the other girls tonight." I said "Dream on Denny. On you go back to one of your hoes." she said glaring at me "You are jealous." I said raising my brow "Go f**k yourself Denny." she said turning away from me again. I just shook my head and turned away from her but I never left I just sat down her bed. I knew she would turn to face me eventually. And soon enough "Why are you still here?" she said glaring at me "Why are you jealous?" I said back "OH my f*****g God I am not jealous....Jeeze." She said throwing her hands in the air "You don't have a right to be anyway." I said "Excuse me?" she asked walking towards me, standing in front of me, hand on her hip "I have the right to do what the f**k I want just like everyone else in this place." she said getting annoyed "You don't have the right to be jealous though cause you could have had me so many times in the last week but you kept pushing me away." I said standing up "I am not jealous Denny." she said staring up at me. I stepped in closer to her, my hand falling on her hip and pulled he body against mine "YES you are because you want me but you are too scared to go for it." I said looking down at her she went to say something but nothing came out at first but eventually "I aint scared." she said "Then take what you want Riley." he said inching closer to her "No." she stuttered out "Why?" I asked "Because." she replied I looked her straight in the beautiful hazel eyes and she practically melted "Because why?" I asked again "Cause the last time you rejected me." she whispered out blushing Rejected her? Is that what she thought I was doing? It really wasn’t. I pulled away because I never wanted to use her the same way in use all those other girls. "I never rejected you Riley." I said "Yes you did. You rejected me but you have no problem doing to the other girls what they want you to do." she replied looking away from me She seemed so vulnerable right now and I never liked it. "I never rejected you Riley. You are better than they other girls that's why I stopped. You deserve better than just being used by me." I said "Should that not be my choice though Denny?" she said "Why would you want someone to use you Riley?" I asked "I don't know. I don’t know much since you showed up Denny. Your trouble for me and usually in a situation like this I would run." she said Our bodies were still close together and my hand was still placed on her hip but the way she was looking me...that look in her eye of pure want...pure lust that was making me weak. "Then why is this time any different Riley?" I asked "I don't know." she whispered out The more she looked at me, the weaker I got which meant any control I had left was quickly fading. "Riley I don't do the full dating, relationship thing so if that is what you want for me then you should pull away right now." I whispered If I know one thing it was Riley was not the just s*x type of girl. "Who says that is what I want?" she replied, his hands now running down my chest "Riley come on I know you are the type of girl that just s*x would not be enough for." I said swallowing hard Was she actually seducing me right now? That’s a first from her. I don't know what she wants from me. "You ever think maybe I want something different Denny...maybe I just want some fun for a change?" she said her lips now falling on my neck "Riley you deserve so much more though." I breathed out "I don't want more. I just want you." she purred in my ear Fuck! She just made me hard. And with that I lost all control. I wrapped my fingers in her hair roughly, pulling her lips to mine and kissing her roughly, making us both moan loudly. My hands sneaked round her body, landing on her ass, grabbing it and pushing her front against my now growing hard on, leading her to moan loudly. Her hands sneaked down to the bottom of my top, tugging at it and I knew what she wanted. I lifted my arms and she grabbed the bottom of it, pulling it over my head, throwing it to the floor. Her hands found their way onto my bare chest, running her hand over my chest and stomach, my full body going weak under her touch. Her next move surprised me, her hand landed on my crotch, stroking my hard on. “f**k!” I hissed, my head falling back I reached in, grabbing the bottom of her top, pulling it over her head, joining mine on the floor. I groaned when I seen her black lace bra covering her breast, my hands automatically falling on them, grabbing them roughly which in return she moaned, her head falling back. I grabbed her ass, lifting her from the ground, her legs wrapping around my hips. I turned us around, placing her down on the bed, coming down on the top of her, my lips soon falling over hers again, kissing her roughly. I removed my lips from hers, placing them on her neck, kissing all over, making my way downwards. I reached behind her back, unclipping her bra and sliding it off. My lips landed on her right n****e, paying special attention to it “f**k!” She moaned, arching into my lips I done the same with the other breasts before pulling away, kissing my way over her ribs, stomach, hips and just above the band of her trousers. I reached for the button of her jeans, undoing it, grabbing the waist band and she lifted her hips, letting me slide them from her body, leaving her in nothing but her panties. A loud moan escaped my lips as I trailed her body. She was so beautiful…so sexy. I moved my lips between her legs, kissing her centre over her panties, her full body squirming underneath me. I liked that I could make her so weak. I grabbed the corner of her panties, sliding them over her legs and letting them drop to the floor. I slid my hands between her legs, running my fingers over her folds, a loud groan escaping her lips. “f**k, Riley you are soaking.” I hissed at her I looked up to see her looking down at me, her eyes dark from lust, her naked body, her face flushed. And to be honest she has never looked sexier to me. “Please Denny?” she begged, reaching for the belt of my jeans. I got the hint, undoing them and sliding them from my body. I climbed between her legs, capturing her lips in mine once again, sliding two of my fingers inside of her. Her hips jerked up, her full body shaking. I slid them in and out a few times, each time making her body squirm underneath me. “Denny please.” She said grinding her hips upwards. I slid my fingers out, getting rid of my boxers. I reached for my wallet, grabbing a condom, sliding it in and knelt between her legs “Are you sure?” I asked She never said anything. She just reached up, kissing me, grabbing my hips and pulling me down against her body. Her legs wrapped around my hips, using her feet to press down on my ass and I never had to be told twice. I pinned her hips to the bed with mine, pushing forward and sliding right inside of her, the both of us groaning loudly “f**k you are so tight Riley.” I hissed, the feeling of her being wrapped around me driving me insane. I started pushing myself in and out of her, getting in deeper with every move. Riley’s hands fell on my back, her nails digging in as I started working harder against her…rougher…faster. I pulled myself out, slamming back inside “DENNY!” She screamed I reached down, burying my face in the nape of her neck, pinning her hands above her head, giving her everything I had in. ******** “OH DENNY!” She screamed an orgasm soon ripping through her entire body a little while later She was shaking violently below me, her back arched off the bed, her head fell back and her knuckles had turned white with how tight she was gripping the sheets below her. Within moments she tightened around me, making me moan “f**k, Riley. I am so close.” I moaned One…two…three last thrusts, she came hard and I soon followed. I clung to her as my full body began to shake, my stomach and balls tightened “Ahhh!” I moaned as we rode out our highs together I fell down on top of her, the both of us panting heavily, hearts and pulses racing. I reached in, placing a few kisses on her neck before burying my face in it. Riley’s hands ran through my hair as the two of us lay there trying to catch our breaths. “That was incredible Denny,” she breathed out “So I have been told.” I chuckled, rolling off her and lying down beside her “Though it was pretty damn amazing. But I never thought you would have been the one that would end up seducing me in the end, that was a surprise, a really good one at that.” I said Riley giggled, placing her head on my chest and I played with her hair. We just lay there catching our breath for the next ten minutes, a comfortable silence falling between us. “Do you want me to go since Chloe will be due back?” I asked looking down at her “Chloe aint coming back tonight.” She laughed “she is going back to the guys place.” She added “You can stay if you like, I know it’s not really the sort of thing you do, so it is up to you.” She said smiling up at me “No I will stay tonight.” I said She nodded, reaching in kissing me before getting herself comfortable and I done the same. It never took us both long to drift off to sleep.
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