Chapter Ten-1

1417 Words

Chapter Ten Monday dawned with the steamy heat still hovering over Elmhurst. Rafferty peeled himself away from his sticky sheet and hoping he had beaten the early rising Cyrus to the bathroom, went in search of a cool shower. Luckily, the bathroom was free, which probably meant that Cyrus was in the kitchen again, making tea. He’d tried to teach the American the finer points of tea making, but Cyrus seemed to have a blind spot when this particular beverage was concerned. Leastways, he still produced undrinkable cat’s piss every morning, much to Abra’s disgust. Rafferty lingered in the shower, partly from a reluctance to leave its cool embrace and partly from a desire to let the Cyrus-made tea go cold and give him an excuse to make his own. But eventually he had to turn the water off and

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