1136 Words

“Can you manage the horses without my help?” Arliva asked. “They will be no trouble,” he answered. “So do as I tell you.” “Yes, sir, no, sir, three bags full, sir,” she replied mockingly. Climbing out of the carriage, she ran into the house. It was small but very well furnished. Having lit the oil lamp, she carried it into what was the kitchen. As in her father’s Hunting Lodge, the kitchen was one room with a table where the sportsmen ate. She realised that there were two bedrooms opening out of it. She could think of nowhere in the summer where it would be safer to hide than in a Hunting Lodge. Then, as she put the lamp down on the table, she saw that there was already food arranged on it. There was also a jug of the delicious lemonade that Ivan had given her on the way here. S

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