There was three best friends Bosiken,Kosiken and Melissa
they went to school together laughed did silly things went to the supermarket they simply enjoyed each other's company later Bosiken and Kosiken became friends because of there similar name.
Melissa asked Bosiken to meet at the forest where there was a swamp Kiosken was also invited it was only the three of them at the forest and Melissa tried pushing Kiosken in the water but Bosiken and Kiosken planned to push Martha in the swamp so Bosiken and Kiosken failed to do that and accidentally Kiosken pushed Bosiken in the swamp.
The swamp was secretly some powerful vortex to someplace while Bosiken fel something happened
It's the present now where Kiosken and Melissa are married and on a drive where they were at the original forest where Bosiken died and while Melissa was driving they ran into a deer and the car windows shattered and the deer ate Kiosken's head although it also ate Melissa.
The time of Bosiken's point of view "where am I why am I here Melissa and Kiosken are you here"? Bosiken is confused where he is suddenly he appears to a cave and when he enters the cave he finds a gem which is shiny red after that he controls the forest and he became the King Bosiken he also controlled the deer to kill Melissa because Bosiken was in love with Kiosken and they bothe loved each other but Melissa who they met afterwards at school just came in there group later which annoyed Bosiken from the start firstly Melissa told Kiosken the plan Kiosken said let's kill Melissa at the forest although they all were planning to kill Bosiken from the start.
Bosiken went to a place near way like a gas pump somewhere to get changed he was hideous and scary so he sneaked inside the toilets and changed but someone came and he by mistake killed them he was afraid of himself later he went somewhere else the police came and investigated the gas pump Bosiken was changed into a suit he found in the trunk of Kiosken's car and Bosiken went to meet his adopted son he adopted in school at the end of the year and it was finalized that he would get the custody of his adopted child but before that could happen Bosiken never showed up the time when he was supposed to and the care workers found out Bosiken was dead.
"I am excited to meet my son" says Bosiken but when he comes. inside through the window by opening it carefully and checking up on his son but his son got scared and started panicking and jumped of the building later Bosiken tried saving Johnathan but failed to do so.
Bosiken went to see Kiosken's house but Kiosken already had another wife that he didn't tell Melissa about but Kiosken still had pictures of them together. Bosiken tried going back to the cave then he heard on the news that his son was perfectly fine and admited to the hospital.