Chapter 15

1329 Words

Max pov.     These past few days have been uneventful, too many bad things rolled into one. I still can’t believe that I will leave everything I always knew. I have been talking to my dad and it seems we will have to be part of a pack named Redmoon. It will be a new experience for all of us. We have never been part of a pack, at least officially. There was a pack, a few years back, close to our uncle's house. We went there to get close to people like us. To feel a deeper connection than what we usually get with normal humans. With them we can feel free, transform at will and with the comfort of the woods.  The strange thing is that my brother and I have never asked our parent’s why we didn’t belong to a pack. Being secluded from our true nature is torture. Maybe that line makes us more p

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