Chapter 8

2381 Words
“Freak what am I doing?” I cringed when Derek asked me to stay online during the commercial break. I looked at the time, it had been an hour since I had been revealing my past to him. Damn, I had said a lot more than what I had intended to on a New York radio station. I felt completely embarrassed realising that I had in fact began to pour my heart out publicly. Derek was a sweet talker I wasn’t aware of until now. “How can you be such a douche bag? If aunt Maria or any of my co workers have been listening to this, they’re going to screw my case for sure,” I argued and felt totally confused when Derek returned with an announcement. “Welcome back lovely listeners, I’m aware we’re running out of time but we can spare a few more minutes to hear the rest of the story, can’t we?” he said in his boisterous manner while I got jittery. “So, Giselle, now that we’re back from the break tell us more about him, your story sounds quite interesting, don’t you agree my fellow listeners?” he said while I contemplated how to end this stupid web I had fallen into. “Erm…Uh Derek…I think I have to go…” I stuttered and darted my eyes across the room. “Whoa… but you haven’t finished! Giselle, we’ve  got few more minutes in hand, don’t leave us hanging,” He insisted and was taken aback at my sudden reluctant attitude. “ I think I’ve said too much…I’m totally sorry for that, but I shouldn’t be doing this….good night!” I cut the line before he could protest and heaved a sigh of relief as I ran my fingers through my hair. God, this was sheer suicide. What will my co-workers think of me now? I bet half of New York knows my abusive past with Bruce. s**t what if Bruce was listening to it….Freak what if Aariz was listening to it? “Oh my God , Oh my God!” I broke into a sweat and ran in circles until the door bell rang. “Freak,  I hope that’s not Aariz! He’s probably come to complain about me confessing my feelings towards him. Gosh why couldn’t you have given fake names instead?” I panicked and cussed myself as I hesitatingly walked towards the door. I had not only put my career in jeopardy but his as well. The door bell kept ringing violently which made it clear that Aariz was very upset with what I had done. I gulped and said my prayers before opening the door, only to be startled by his son, Naman. “Do you have a phone in there?” He enquired with a quizzically brow and confused me. “Uhm…Yes I do? Where’s your father?” I replied and was still expecting him to burst through that door and shout at me. “Can I make a call, it’s kind of urgent,” he ignored my question and tilted his head. “Uhm…Ya sure…come in,” I reluctantly invited him in and wondered where Aariz was. Naman was in his pyjamas holding an action figure in hand. Scanning my living room as he walked in, he darted straight for the telephone and surprisingly called Aariz. “Dad, it’s me! I got locked outside and have no keys, when are you coming home?” he enquired while I watched how seriously he was talking to Aariz. Naman was too mature for a five year old. I saw him nodding his head and occasionally answering with a yes and no. Thank God, Aariz wasn’t at home, but that had no connection with him listening to what I had confessedd live that night. Watching them speak made me anxious to know what Aariz was saying from the other end. It wasn’t long before Naman ended the conversation and faced me. “Would you mind if I stay here till dad comes home? You probably know by now that I got locked out of my house,” he said it with a straight face and amused me. “Erm…Did Aariz…I mean your father ask you to stay here?” I enquired out of curiosity. “Not really, it was my idea, dad just agreed to my decision,” he crossed his arms and sounded arrogant. “Oh…aren’t you a bit too young to be taking decisions?” I jokingly asked, but was taken aback with his comment. “ Aren’t you a bit too early for summer?”  he had a quick glance at my shorts and amused me. Okay, this kid is not as kiddish as I thought, sounds more like a tough guy. I merely smiled and tried making him feel comfortable to which he sulked and expressed his displeasure. I had no experience in handling kids, but tried as I much, he wasn’t the least bit interested in co-operating. “Would you like to have some milk and cookies till your father comes home?” I enquired as the minutes passed by. “I don’t take things from strangers,” he replied. “Ah, in that case shouldn’t you be waiting in Mrs. Partridge’s house?” I reminded him and wondered why he was so rude. “That’s coz I hate it when she pulls my cheeks, do you pull cheeks?” he enquired and looked at me suspiciously. I shook my head in denial and took a seat opposite him. How did Aariz leave such a small kid all alone at home? I wondered and studied his expression when all of a sudden it dawned on me. “Naman…Where’s your mother?” I asked after realising that his wife,  Zehara was nowhere to be seen. Naman looked at me as if he had not understood the question. I repeated and wondered if she worked late like Aariz.  “I don’t know…” He swung his legs like a pendulum and played with his action figure. I found it rather odd and was about to probe further when all of a sudden the doorbell rang. “That’s him, he’s never on time though,” Naman sighed and darted towards the door before me. He opened the door like it was his house and was scooped up by Aariz in his arms. My eyes met his and swiftly looked elsewhere as I was too petrified to face him. “Thanks a million for letting him stay,” he said and startled me. “Naman actually sleep walks. I accidentally forgot to lock the door before leaving this evening,” he explained and shocked me. “But he’s awake now!” I said and glanced at Naman as he slowly closed his eyes. “He must have woken up, it’s dangerous but I’m glad he woke up before more damage could be done. I hope he didn’t trouble you though, his choice of words don’t go down well with people,” he faked a laugh and pursed his lips. “Ya, I experienced it,” I replied and faked a laugh too. “Uhm…by the way, where’s  Zehara? Is she having a work night shift?” I enquired and craned my neck to see if she was behind somewhere. Aariz looked at me just the way Naman had. “Zehara…that’s your wife’s name, right?” I added and wondered why he was taking so long to answer. “Sorry for keeping you waiting. It’s already 2 am, I guess we should head back,” he conveniently skipped my question and walked back to his room with Naman. Strange, why did he react like I was asking something alien to him? I crunched my brows and closed the door before getting back inside.  The night had been a crazy one, diving back to bed I pondered if my revelation hadn’t created a rift amongst Aariz and his wife. If Zehara had heard it, she would be fuming with anger by now. Should I apologise? I argued in mind and felt guilty for publicly sharing my feelings towards Aariz. He was married and had a family. Uhg, but what he was too busy and didn’t tune into Derek’s show  tonight? I kept thinking  and didn’t realise when I fell asleep. In the morning I woke up and decided to skip work and hide in my den. Just the thought of being the butt of everyone’s joke in Oh Maria made me tremble in shame. I was sure someone or the other would have tuned into his show last night and recognized  who I was. The chances of them probing further into my life perturbed me. I was a woman who never spoke much about herself or her past. People didn’t know me that well, but now I feared they knew more than I wanted them to know. Sending a text to Maria stating that I wasn’t keeping well, I wore my hooded sweatshirt and trainers and took crusher along with me for a stroll in the park. As I walked in the early hours of the morning, I felt all eyes were on me. Even the strangers I met on my way made me feel like they knew it was me on Derek’s show last night. Covering my head with the hoodie, I lowered my gaze and prayed everything would get back to normal and that people would forget about my confession. “Hey, good morning!” I paused and looked to my side but there was no one. “I’m here,” I raised a brow and turned around only to find Aariz in front of me. “Oh…good morning,” I pulled my hoodie closer to my face to avoid eye contact with him. He sounded normal though, maybe he wasn’t aware of my blunder as yet. “Out for morning walk, huh?” he enquired and panted as if he had been jogging a while ago. “Ya, that’s what people do at the park, right?” I replied as my heart kept beating fast. “Ya, but there’s lot more you can do at the park,” he said when our gaze together fell on a couple kissing on the bench. “Uh that came out the wrong way, “ he coughed and felt awkward and so did I while Crusher sniffed something in the air. “How’s Naman?” I enquired and failed to notice Crusher going around us. “He’s fine, I must thank you though for letting him in last night,” he smiled when all of a sudden  Crusher jerked the leash and I fell over Aariz. Falling in his arms, Aariz caught me and helped me balance. I blushed when our bodies brushed against each other. Standing close to him, I skipped a beat as we locked eyes. “I guess your dog, has tangled us,” he let a soft laugh and looked at Crusher who gazed up at us mischievously after tying us with his leash. Feeling awkward, I hurriedly tried to untangle ourselves. Aariz saw me struggling and offered to help. “Relax…I’ll do it,” he coolly said and with a second set us free while Crusher scratched his ear. I drew in a deep breath and stepped back, but my heart continued pounding like a teenager. “That was close,” I murmured. Aariz heard me and smiled in a way that made me cringe all the more in embarrassment. “I mean…I..I uhm so how’s Zehara?” I changed the topic and flipped my hair. Aariz changed the expression of his face and looked away. “She maybe fine…I guess so…” he gave me a vague answer and ran his fingers through his hair. “Maybe? You mean you aren’t sure?” I gave  him an absentminded look. Aariz took a brief pause and studied my expression. “Zehara doesn’t live with us anymore…she left  after Naman was born,” he replied and stunned me with the facts. “You’re divorced?” I gasped and stared at him in disbelief. “kind of…We aren’t legally though we stay separate,” he said and gazed up. “I’m sorry, I wasn’t aware of it. But how did it happen? You two were quite the couple back in college,” I daringly probed further and wondered how a loving pair could separate like that. Aariz faked a laugh and lowered his gaze, “You remember what you told me at your place that day? Times change, people change….one fine day, she packed her bags and left us without an explanation,” he sighed with a straight face and had a faraway look in his eyes. I stared at him and felt bad, “Aariz are you alright?” I enquired and snapped him out of his thoughts. “Yup, I’m fine, don’t bother! Oh, I’m getting late, I better rush home and leave for work,” he smiled casually and waved out to me before sprinting away. I watched him leave and wondered why Zehara did something like that and worst why she left her baby as well.
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