Chapter 7

423 Words
Chapter 7 Daniela was left to sulk after Tyler fled to the hospital to see Cassidy. When he got there Cassidy was admitted to her room where she was resting peacefully. Or so the doctors and nurses thought. But Cassidy was having anything but a peaceful sleep. Despite being in a coma, Cassidy was wracked with nightmares that Tyler had left her for Daniela. When Tyler held Cassidy’s hand, Cassidy’s eyes twitched. She wanted to wake up but something was preventing her from doing so. Suddenly, Cassidy’s monitor started beeping and Cassidy was in cardiac arrest as doctors and nurses entered Cassidy’s room with a crash cart to begin CPR on Cassidy. A nurse’s aide shuffled Tyler out of Cassidy’s room, despite Tyler’s objection to remain in the room. Several minutes later—it seemed like an eternity to Tyler—the doctor came out to give Tyler the news: “Cassidy was poisoned.” “Poisoned?” Tyler asked in surprise. “Who would do that?” Then he thought of Daniela. Could she have done this? “We have given your wife the antidote and are waiting to see if she responds to the treatment.” The doctor informed Tyler, just as Daniela arrived to check on her friend. “Is Cassidy alright?” Daniela asked sweetly, almost too sweetly it made Tyler suspicious. “Mr, Jenkins will give you the details.” The doctor told Daniela before walking away. “Doctor, can I go see her?” Tyler asked the departing doctor. Tyler felt a hand on his shoulder as Daniela tried to comfort him, but he pulled away from her. “Leave me alone.” “I just want to help.” “After trying to seduce me?” “I couldn’t help myself.” Daniela defended herself. “I love my wife.” “I know. And I’m sorry.” “Well, if you’re so sorry then you’ll pack your things and leave our home.” Tyler lashed out at her. “Okay. If that’s how you feel.” Tyler didn’t say a word. He just left her standing there as he walked on to see Cassidy. “Fine. Have it your way, Tyler! For now!” Daniela whispered to herself, as she went back to Tyler and Cassidy’s home and packed her things and then headed for a motel.
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