Chapter 11

491 Words
Chapter 11 Tyler went to the mental institution to check on Cassidy’s progress, hoping to bring her home. But when he saw her, she appeared to be worse, claiming that she was being followed. With Cassidy’s state of mind, Tyler made the uncomfortable decision to leave her at the institution, despite Cassidy’s claims that she was sane. As Tyler drove home, he didn’t see the car behind him and when he stopped for a traffic light, the car behind him pulled up beside him and narrowly ran off the side of the road. Tyler thought nothing of the incident, but it was just the first in his nightmare that was about to come. He pulled into the driveway, where Daniela had just finished putting the finishing touches on her surprise romantic dinner for Tyler. “There!” Daniela said to herself. “Now I just have to wait until Tyler gets here! I hope he likes it!” But Daniela didn’t see the hidden intruder in the window watching her. All Daniela cared about was seducing Tyler so he would forget about Cassidy. Tyler came in the front door thinking only about getting some sleep. It had been a long day, but when he saw Daniela’s dinner, he put the thought of sleep out of his mind. “I’m touched you went to all the trouble to make dinner.” Tyler gratefully thanked her, oblivious to the candles and romantic decorations. “Well, it’s the least I could do!” Daniela replied. “Let’s eat!” Tyler said as he dug into the pot roast Daniela had made. As Tyler loaded his plate with the food Daniela made, they heard a noise outside, but the two of them ignored it as they enjoyed the dinner. Daniela was getting impatient that Tyler hadn’t made a move on her after she sent numerous passes his way, so she decided it was up to her to start the flirtations, as she touched Tyler’s foot. “What was that?” Tyler asked, feeling Daniela’s foot graze his. “I’m sorry.” Daniela said. “it’s okay.” Daniela did it again, only more seductively, that so Tyler would get the hint. But Tyler continued to reject Daniela’s advances. As he got up to put his dirty dishes in the sink, Daniela made a last-ditch effort and planted a kiss on Tyler’s lips. Not having had that kind of intimacy with his wife for months, a hungry Tyler gave in to Daniela’s advances and kissed her back. After the kiss, the two decided to head upstairs to the bedroom for a little alone time. But as soon as they got in the bedroom, Daniela let out a blood-curdling scream. “Aaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!”
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