Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 “Dani!” Cassidy shrieked with excitement when she spotted her friend in the airport while waiting for her. “Cassie.” Dani shrieked with fake excitement as she gave her friend a hug, while secretly eyeing Cassidy’s husband, Tyler. “Oh, Dani, it’s been so long.” Cassidy said sadly. “How did we ever lose touch with each other?” “I know.” Daniella lied. “I’m sorry for everything.’ Daniella and Cassidy talked about old times while waiting for her luggage at the baggage claim. When it finally came out, Daniella pointed it out and Tyler, like the true gentleman, picked up Daniella’s luggage and carried it to his and Cassidy’s car. Daniella was amazed that they had a driver. No, more like jealous! As Max drove Cassidy, Tyler and Daniella back to Tyler and Cassidy’s mansion, Tyler poured Cassidy and Daniella a drink from the mini bar in the limousine. As the three enjoyed the drink, Daniella thought about her revenge on Cassidy and how to make the moves on Tyler. He was a man Daniella could fall for with his rugged good looks and chiseled features, those gorgeous blue eyes the color of the ocean—Daniella could get lost in them forever. “Dani?” Cassidy spoke, breaking Daniella free of her thoughts. “What? I’m sorry Cassie. I must have been lost in thought.” Daniella lied, as she continued to think about having Tyler all to herself. “What do you want to do first when we get home?” Cassidy repeated. “Oh, surprise me!” Daniella told her friend. “Well, why don’t you two take a swim out in our pool while I make you two some lunch.” Tyler suggested. “That’s sounds good, honey.” Cassidy said, giving him a kiss on the lips. Max had just pulled into the drive of Cassidy and Tyler’s mansion. Tyler grabbed Daniella’s bags and followed Cassidy and Daniella up the front steps to the front door as Cassidy pushed the code for the security alarm. Once inside, Cassidy led Daniella to her room—actually wing—that she would have all to herself. Amazed as she was by Cassidy’s success, Daniella couldn’t wait to take all of this from Cassidy for payment for all her hurt. Daniella still couldn’t believe that Cassidy managed to get everything while she lost all she had. “I’ll wait for you out by the pool.” Cassidy said to Daniella. “Okay. I’ll get dressed and be out there in a few.” Daniella promised. But first, Daniella had to put the first part of her plan into motion.
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