Chapter 4

520 Words
Chapter 4 Daniella couldn’t be happier as she listened to Cassidy and Tyler fighting. All she cared about was that her plan was working perfectly. Cassidy was making the usual assumptions she did back in high school. And Tyler didn’t believe her. Soon, Tyler would be all hers. . .and Cassidy would be left out in the cold. . .just where she belonged. As Daniella made her way downstairs to work on the next plot in her scheme, Cassidy fumed upstairs after Tyler had marched out of their room and into one of the other rooms. Tyler, on the other hand, decided he wasn’t going to lose any sleep over Cassidy’s paranoia. It was ridiculous that Daniella was coming on to him. She was just his wife’s friend from high school. He had no interest in her. Why couldn’t Cassidy see that? As Tyler tried to sleep, he heard the door open and someone come in. “Cassidy?” Tyler questioned the intruder coming in. “Come to your senses, did you?” But there was no answer, and assuming the intruder left, Tyler tried to go back to sleep. But instead, he felt a warm hand caress his body, and assuming it was Cassidy, turned over and planted a kiss on her. “I’m sorry, Tyler.” Daniella lied. “I had no idea there was anybody in here.” “What are you doing in here?” Tyler said, when he realized it wasn’t Cassidy he just kissed. “I had to find another room to sleep in.” was Daniella’s excuse. “The sheets in my bed were all wet when I went to pull down the blankets.” “I’m sorry to hear that, Dani.” Tyler apologized. “I’ll go check out what’s wrong.” Tyler told her. “Just to make sure there’s no leak.” “No, you don’t have to do that.” Daniella told him. “I’m sure the sheets will be dry in the morning.” “It’s no problem, really.” Tyler offered. “I pride myself on having a leak-proof home and if you have a leak, I need to fix it.” “Can’t you do it in the morning?” Daniella asked him, hoping to buy some time before she could get back to her room. “Okay, I will wait until morning.” Tyler promised her. “Thank you, Tyler. You’re such a doll.” Daniella said sweetly. “I think I will go sleep in my own room with my wife, where I belong.” Tyler said. As Tyler went back up to his and Cassidy’s room, Daniella made her way back to her room and crawled into the bed, knowing it wouldn’t be long before she had Tyler right where she wanted him. . .and Cassidy would be alone. . .just like her.
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