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When we returned to my father’s house, cars were parked everywhere. I pulled into my father’s spot and looked at Dean who was softly holding onto my hand. “Do you think he was found?” he asked, looking out the window. “God, I hope not. If he were, he would be the entertainment for tonight’s gathering.” We both got out of the car and made our way inside. The place was packed with people, and there wasn’t much room to walk. I grabbed Dean’s arm and pulled him to my room, hoping Dagon was safe. We got inside, and Dean shut the door. I didn’t see Dagon anywhere. I heard rustling in my closet and walked over to it, opening the door. Dagon was sitting in the corner playing with one of my knives and had a gun in his hands. He looked up at me, “Where the hell have you been? I can’t do a damned thing with all these people here.” He rushed out of the closet and stopped in his tracks when he came face to face with Dean, who punched him in the jaw. “She doesn’t want me to kill you, but I’m allowed to hurt you,” Dean said with a smile. “Enough,” I said, walking over to them. “Dean, I’m going to see what's happening downstairs, and Dagon better still be alive when I get back.” “You can’t leave me here with him. I won’t be alive when you get back,” Dagon protested. “If Dean says he isn’t going to kill you, then he won’t kill you.” “Not unless he tries to kill me first,” Dean said from behind me. “Be nice, you two; I will be back soon.” They both nodded, and I walked out of the room. I searched downstairs and tried to find my father. I found James standing in the kitchen talking to a huge man I had only seen once at my father’s house. I couldn’t even remember his name. “James, where is my father? What is with all these people?” “Where the hell have you been? We all have been worried sick about you. You said you were going to see Dean.” “I did, but he got released today, and I drove him to his place to get clothes. Then we got something to eat. What’s happened?” “Your father is in his office. He is busy now, but I know he wants to see you.” I nodded my head and pushed my way through the crowd. I wondered what happened to make my father bring in his whole team and worry about me so much when I told him where I would be. When I finally reached the office, I knocked on the door. With all the talking, it was hard to hear my father. I knocked again, and then he came and opened the door for me. He quickly hugged me, “Where were you?” “Right where I said I would be, with Dean. He got out today,” I replied. I noticed a panicked look on my father’s face, and I began to panic. “Good, go get him. We are going to need him.” “Daddy, what’s going on? Why did you bring all these people here? And I have asked Dean not to go back to work.” “I didn’t, they just started showing up. Ryan and Mason are looking into it, but they informed me that a man showed up and burned one of my buildings to the ground, killing a few of my men. It sounds like Jackson, from who they described to me.” “You and Dagon’s higher up?” He smiled, “Yeah. Damn it, Dagon would be a great person to have around right now. I have Colin trying to find him and hope he and I can make a deal.” “What would it be worth if I knew where he was?” “How would you know?... Ivy, where the hell is he?” “You won’t kill him, will you?” “No, at the current time, I need him. After we take care of Jackson, then I will kill him for what he did to you.” “I will be back,” I replied and left the room. It was a good thing I had decided not to kill Dagon when I found him in my room. I knew we were going to need him. I walked back to my room and opened the door. Dagon and Dean were staring each other down like two lions, ready to fight. “Hey, both of you, back off,” I said, slamming my door shut. “He started it, Spicy Girl. He has hit me multiple times now, and I can’t take it anymore,” Dagon said. “Dean, let him be. Dagon, you no longer have to stay hidden in my room. My father needs your help and will make a deal with you.” “You told him about me? He is going to have me shot.” “No, I guess Jackson burned one of his buildings down, and he would like to work with you. You should feel special; everyone wants you around now. You know a lot about Jackson, and that knowledge is important.” “I would know a lot; he is my brother,” Dagon replied. “And he would kill his own brother,” I replied, shocked. “He had tried three times before, once when I was just a baby. He threw me into the pool before I could swim. I think I was two. I don’t feel like seeing your father; I don’t trust it.” “You shouldn’t; he plans to kill you after you’re done helping us take down Jackson. But that is a while away.” His forehead wrinkled as he scowled at me. “Oh yes, that makes me feel so much better.” “What other plan do you have? You can’t run from it.” He thought for a moment, still seeming unhappy about everything. “Fine, but I will only give your father the information he needs now. I have to keep some things to myself to ensure I get to keep my life.” I nodded, “I’m okay with that. Dean, he would like to see you as well.” We all walked out of the room and to my father’s office. As Dagon walked through the house, people moved out of his way, and Dean and I had to push our way through. I was almost shocked at how much respect people gave him for how young he was. I knocked on my dad’s door and then walked in. Dean and Dagon followed behind me. “Well, that was quick; where were you hiding him in your bedroom?” my father asked jokingly, making us all laugh. As he concluded that I was, in fact, hiding him in my room, he got extremely angry. “I can’t believe you were hiding him in your room.” “Do you want my help or not, old man?” Dagon said, and my father glared at him. “I’m not old; I’m just older than you, Kid. Let’s not forget that you were the one who came to me asking for help when we became partners because you were only 16 and didn’t have a clue about what you were doing. Then you grew up, made a name for yourself through fear, and decided to attack me and my family.” “If it weren’t for you and your son, none of this would be happening. I went to jail, you stole my stash, and now you don’t want to give me the money for it.” “What?” I said, looking between my father and Dagon. He refused to pay the money and would let me stay there. “I didn’t have the money, Ivy. I wasn’t going to leave you in there; we were working on a plan to get you out,” Dad said. “Don’t lie to her, Eric. I know you had it. You just didn’t want to give it to me. This is what it got us, Jackson killing and destroying everything.” “You still shouldn’t have laid hands on my kids, Dagon. That was a low blow. What kind of person does that?” “Desperate people. What the hell do you need from me?” “I need to know where your brother is for a start. Colin and Mason can’t find anything on him.” “That is something I can’t even tell you. The last I knew, Jackson was lying low in a small place outside of town, but he would have moved somewhere else by now. That was almost a year ago.” “Will you go with some of my guys and check it out.” Dagon laughed, “No, I will not die today. Now that Jackson has started this war, that place will become a tomb for whoever goes there. He knew that was the last place I saw him, and if I wanted to find him, I would start there. His men would kill us on the spot, or it would be booby-trapped somehow.” “Then what do we do?” “You send just your men to check it out, and I stay here,” Dagon replied with a smile. “If what you’re saying is true, I won’t send my guys on a suicide mission.” “I’ll go,” Ryan said, making me jump. I hadn’t realized he was even in the room. “No, Ryan, I will not send you either,” Dad declined. “Oh, come on, Eric. If anyone can get in and out of that place alive, it’s me. What else do we have?” “He’s right; you should send him. I saw what he did to Brownie; the guy is a monster,” Dagon said, making my father glare at him again. “I like monsters.” “He is my monster, and I will decide if I want him to go,” my father said. Ryan walked up to my father and whispered lowly in his ear. My dad then let out a huff and nodded his head. “Be careful.” “I always am,” Ryan replied and then left the room.
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