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“Well, until I get my money, you will go through the same thing they did. What did you expect?” Dagon was going to hurt me as well. I should have known. I knew he wasn’t a nice guy like he claimed to be. I could handle the pain for a little while. When they called Dean, I knew I would be out of here. Dean had some money put aside. Or he could just come in and arrest everyone. “Well, where do you want me?” I asked, trembling a bit. “You’re going to hang out in my room after you have been searched, of course.” Having to be in Dagon’s room made me nervous. Wondering what he was going to do to me made my stomach sick. The men searched me as he commanded and then led me to Dagon’s room. “If you need anything, don’t tell me because I don’t care,” Brownie said, then shut the door, leaving me alone. I took a seat on the bed; it was small but comfortable. I was still trying to figure out what this place used to be, and I could only think of an old-style country club s***h hotel. A small bathroom was attached to the room, and even a tiny kitchen area with a stove, fridge, and sink. It would have looked nice if there hadn’t been graffiti on the walls. Most of the drawings were terrible, but one that caught my attention was a broken heart that was stitched back together. It looked good on the wall. I locked the door, even though I was sure Dagon had the key to his room. I then went and lay down on the bed. I was thankful there was a TV in the room. Even though it was an old-style box TV, it still worked. I could watch a movie because an old VCR and a small collection of VHS tapes were hooked up to it. I don’t know how I managed, but I fell asleep. I woke up to someone knocking on the door. I got up and unlocked it. Dagon was standing on the other side with another man I didn’t expect to be here. “This is...” “Mr. Thomas?” “Oh, you know each other. I call him Chris.” “She was one of my students,” Mr. Thomas said. Dagon looked back and forth between us, “Well, okay then,” he said, stepping into the room, Mr. Thomas followed. “What do you want?” I asked harshly. I was confused about why they were there- well, at least why Mr. Thomas was there. It was Dagon’s room, but what was with the second man? “Your father is taking his dear old time in getting me the rest of my money.” “It hasn’t been that long; I’m sure he is at the hospital now.” “Well, I’m sure he just needs some motivation. Speaking of which, Chris is going to help me with that.” “How?” I watched as Dagon took out a phone. I was shaking because of the news. My father was in the hospital. I was asleep for only three hours. There was no way he would have gotten the rest of the money so quickly for Dagon. Dagon flipped the phone and started a video call to my father’s phone. When the call was answered, Dagon looked confused. “Well, I don’t know who you are, but you’re not Eric,” he said, laughing. I was shocked when I heard my stalker's deep-covered voice coming through the phone. “No, I’m much worse,” my stalker replied with a wicked laugh. “How did you get ahold of Eric’s phone?” “I have access to all of Ivy’s contacts.” “Okay, who are you?” “You can call me Bill,” he replied. “Let her go. This will be the only time I ask nicely.” Dagon laughed once more. “Tell him to shut up,” I shouted. “Apparently, she doesn’t want to talk to you,” Dagon said. “I think she hates you more than she hates me… at the moment anyway.” “Yeah, that’s normal, I’m used to it. Ivy should know by now that I don’t care.” “Okay, well, this has been fun. Bye now,” Dagon said, hanging up the phone. He turned to me, “Who was that?” “That was Bill, my stalker.” It pained me how normal I felt telling people I had a stalker like it was no big deal anymore. “He seems nice. Now let’s try this again,” Dagon replied, hitting the call button again. He was trying to get a hold of my father, but I wasn’t sure if my stalker would pick up again. I never knew he had access to even my father’s phone. “What do you want, Dagon?” my father answered with a raspy voice. “The rest of my money, I made that clear.” “I don’t have it at the moment. I had my daughter bring you everything I had.” “Oh yeah, your daughter is still here,” Dagon said, aiming the camera at me. “What the hell?” Dad shouted. "She isn’t part of this. Let her go.” Ryan must not have told him about me staying, as my father was furious. “I can’t do that. I need Ivy to make sure I get my money. I don’t believe for a second that you don’t have it. It is a simple five thousand. How hard could it be to get the money? I’m surprised Ryan didn’t tell you about the deal she and I made. “ “You would have had better luck keeping me there. Having Ivy there will just get you and your men killed.” “Don’t threaten me, Eric.” Dagon handed the phone to Chris, who aimed back at me so my father could see me. Dagon came over to me with a knife in his hand. He seductively pinned me to the wall, causing my body to quiver. He took the knife and cut my shirt off, leaving minor cuts on my body as he did. He turned back to the phone to address my father. “You have another 3 hours before I steal another piece of her clothing. I will hand her over to my men to have fun with when I get to nothing.” My father nodded, and I could see a tear fall from his eye, and he said he was sorry to me. Dagon ended the call. Blood was falling down my stomach, and one of my breasts was cut. Dagon then told Chris to leave the room while he talked to me. “I hope that motivates him because I don’t want to go further.” I looked up at him. “Then don’t. You’re hurting me over five thousand dollars. It seems a bit much.” “Not as much as my boss would hurt us if he doesn’t get the money your father stole from me.” Dagon was working with another person, and I was curious to see who was worse. Dagon seemed genuine when he said he didn’t want to hurt me anymore. Chris returned to the room three hours later, and Dagon again called my father’s phone. Chris held it facing me, and Dagon started cutting off my pants. He wasn’t gentle about it either. He cut down each of my legs, causing me to scream out in pain, and then he moved to my waist and cut the clips off, leaving my lower belly bleeding. It was the worst pain I had ever been in, even worse than my arm being out of place. He left me in nothing but my underclothes. “Stop,” Dad shouted. “Look, I will get it to you; just stop hurting her. She had nothing to do with this.” I looked at the screen, tears falling down my cheeks as the screen started to cut back and forth between a black screen and another picture. Then it was cut to black for about 10 seconds before the picture came back showing my stalker once again. “He isn’t the one you must worry about, but I am. Do not touch my girl again.” Dagon took the knife and cut my bra. He was leaving cuts on both my shoulders from the straps and on the middle of my chest next to the one he made when cutting up my shirt. He did all this with a smile on his face, an evil smile. “Thanks, asshole, keep your mouth shut next time,” I screamed out as the pain shot through my chest. I thought for sure I was going to pass out and was surprised that I didn’t. “Please stop,” I stuttered, feeling like every breath I took was stolen. I felt weak and started to feel dizzy due to the blood loss. As Dagon went to cut my panties off with the knife, I elbowed him in the face. “Don’t touch me.” He punched me in the face twice. He was holding his nose but didn’t back off and cut my last little bit of clothing off, cutting both my thighs in the process. Chris then hung up the phone and looked at me. “Your stalker is pretty smart; maybe I should hire him,” Dagon said, laughing. “You could try, but I’m sure that he is going to be the one to kill you,” I replied, trembling. “He is one man. There isn’t much he could do to me. I am hoping this will give your father enough motivation to get his ass moving. I wouldn’t want to have to hurt you again. Believe it or not, it upsets me.”
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