Chapter 16 :: All plans went awry on both sides!

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Bikaner Palace,...... 10:30 o'clock in the morning at Grandfather Clock tik tok tik tok tik tok tik tok tik tok! DONGGGG! DONGGGGGGGGGG! it was already 11::00 o'clock in the morning tik tok tik tok tik tok tik tok tik tok and another hour later..... the sound of the clock striking 12 times announced that it was now 12 o'clock in the morning..... and 12 o'clock was NOT morning at all! ''Unfreaking believable!'' She muttered, glaring at that ancient 6ft tall antique piece of junk! she was actually surprised noticing that gigantic thing first time,....Grandfather's clock! it actually works just fine even today!? It has been her routine since the day after she arrived here. wait,....and walk back and forth, checking the door, looking at the clock..... then wait more and more and keep looking at the door and the clock until session time ends! ''f**k'' that 70years old stubborn king was so frustratingly arrogant and always busy..... he's sleeping, he's strolling around, he's reading book, he's tasting wine, he's so busy doing absolutely nothing! And,.....he wouldn't grant her audience until he feels like, who talks like that nowadays! How were she supposed to treat someone who doesn't want to be treated at all. He always has a look of seriousness yet around her he would behave so cool and ignore her existence, her it was childish and petty! beside She can't even get out of the palace,..... You know why ? because she was feeling guilty, it's been almost 8 days and so far she was unsuccessful in convincing that king to at least meet her,......let alone do some simplest exercise. 8 days and she didn't leave the Palace for a little bit sight seeing. How could she possibly leave knowing she is failing at the only thing she was suppose to do! She was half punjabi, half tamilian, bubbly, loud city girl and very good at her job. But this Royal Hardheadness is making her question her capability. Everything is so different here, so quiet,....and here she thought It'll be fun meeting---- knowing Rajput Royals but, No one talks to her, they are so busy god knows doing what, every day she sees them doing the same thing they did yesterday..... and she was all alone! sometimes she feels like she's invisible. she was so out of her elements here! a groan of frustration left her she facepalmed herself Insiyaa's POV,..... Mehrangarh Fort, one of my favourite place, it covered the area of 1,200 acres of Jodhpur. The complex is located on a hilltop around 122 metres above the surrounding plain and was constructed circa 1459 by Rajput ruler Rao Jodha, Inside its boundaries there are several palaces known for their beautiful intricate carvings and expansive courtyards, as well as a museum housing various relics. A winding road leads to and from the city below. The imprints of the impact of cannonballs fired by attacking armies of Jaipur can still be seen on the second gate. Oh, if I forgot to mention,...... this fort has seven gates with different names like, Jai pol, Fateh pol, Gopal pol, Dedh kendra pol which still bears the scars of bombardment of cannonballs, Amruti pol and Loha pol, which is the final gate into the main part of the fort complex. Immediately to the left are the handprints, jouhar of the ranis and some princesses, who had committed Sati over the years after death of their husband. Within the fort are several brilliantly crafted and decorated palaces. These include, Moti Mahal (Pearl Palace), Phool Mahal (Flower Palace), Sheesha Mahal (Mirror Palace), Sileh Khana and Daulat Khana. The museum houses a collection of palaquins, howdahs, royal cradles, miniatures, musical instruments, costumes, and furniture. The ramparts of the fort house preserved old cannon including the famous kilkila and provided a breath-taking view of the city. one of the gallery displays one of the most important and best-preserved collections of fine and applied arts of the Mughal period of Indian history, during which the Rathore rulers of Jodhpur maintained close links with the Mughal emperors. It also has the remains of Emperor Akbar. The Armoury gallery displays a rare collection of armour from every period in Jodhpur. On display are sword hilts in jade, silver, rhino horn, ivory, shields studded with tiny rubies, emeralds and pearls and guns with gold and silver work on the barrels. The gallery also has on display the personal swords of many emperors, among them outstanding historical piece like the Khaanda of Rao Jodha, weighing over 3 kg, the sword of Akbar and the sword of Timur. what can i say,....... I'm a sucker of history, like i said I've always wanted to be an archeologist. In 21years of my life, I've seen this palace almost 100 times and it still surprises just like the first time. All palaces does,...well maybe not exactly all of them, but some are so rich in history that i feel like going back in that time. Probably that's the reason jewellery designing became my passion as well. I can just look at those age old carvings and get inspired..... And why am i describing all of this ? well, Today the whole shooting unit came for a photoshoot they wanted to go for a Royal vibe as it would suit their collection of dresses they are suppose to highlight..... so, i insisted they should do it right here, as it would serve my interest too, Because right now I'm at my wits end. A client requested, that they want pure Rajasthani designed jewellery and I needed something that would inspire me and it should be at hand at once. Basically the family AKA the client is from Jhalawar, the purple city of Rajasthan who's daughter is getting married to an NRI. Her family is very emotional and traditional, while the bride doesn't mind having new, trendy jewellery, her family want something that shows every bit of Rajasthan or at least a hint of it. and they explained the reason as well, their daughter would leave for Australia soon after marriage and who knows when she would ever be back. So, they wanted something that would remind her of her root and their love. Crazy, i know! But they are clients and you don't question a customer as they are always right! I was thinking of a fusion look.....traditional yet modern. that's the first reason and second ? like i said, it'd serve my purpose..... I'm in no mood for travelling outside the city. Mehrangarh is in Jodhpur so, i can finish my photoshoot as soon as possible and go back to Havelli at evening just fine and focus on my designs. so as the unit kept on changing the location for more and better photos, i on the other hand kept on noticing those intricate floral patterns and architecture with more attention. ''Yes! Just like that Insiyaa,......put your one hand on the wall" Photographer instructed ''A little right!..... ''keep still!... this kept going until 4p.m and I'm so ready to go home right NOW...... Suddenly my phone beeped,.....not once not twice but several times and it wouldn’t stop! I ignored it at first but it kept on ringing. I saw screen flashing Shawkat's name, so i picked it up, i know that he would keep trying until i receive. ''Insu....kaisa hai!'' [ How are you ! ] "I'm good! How are you!" ''Good! Listen. why don't you come to Delhi!'' "Why!" I asked getting confused ''C'mon Insu....i landed at 7 this morning, wandered all day around and I'm bored now. Take the next flight an hour from now on and come here" "Here!? are in India ? when did you---" ''Yeah! it was abrupt, I just landed at dawn'' So, when your brother, who is almost 7 years older than you whines on phone, can you deny him? I sighed in disappointment. "But baba won't __" ''what are you talking about.....! Baba already knows, i called him before i calling you! Now don't make any more excuse!'' He knows! and didn't even think of informing me! well that's obvious.....! "Ummm....A-alright! I'll just finish the shooting" with that i cut the call and went back for one last shot! .....what was i saying about "no mood for travelling" again ? --------------
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