Chapter 22 :: The morning after

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Everyone left Umaid Bhaban early in the morning except Mayuree who was sleeping soundly but 17 years old Swarna and her secretary Ruthba trying to wake her up. ''Insiyaa wake up, it's 9:45, everyone left already, I am waiting for you, get up, have something and lets get going, we have so many designs to work on'' Ruthba groaned. Muezza soft purr was on early this morning...... he was walking all over Insiyaa's blanket covered self, trying to wake her up with his trilling. ''And my guitar lessons'' Swarna whined "Everyone left you say! then what is she doing here" Insiyaa remarked in groggy voice from under her blanket, eyes still close ''Yes! A very good morning to you too....'' Swarna retorted back sarcastically ''i told ma I'll stay with you. Now please get up!'' "Fine" And with a last stretch like her cat, she left bed, but not before instructing Ruthba to ask room service to send a club sandwich and orange juice for her. After half an hour, they left the room, manager himself show them out where their car was waiting.... But,.... Car wasn't the only thing waiting there....., 10:30, the morning ''i swear Dr. how can you be so irresponsible'' Sankalp asked looking around the room "I know, i know, I'm sorry alright, it was an honest mistake, i totally forgot" Dr.Madhulika muttered "Let me check the washroom" ''careful Doctor!'' ''there! i found it'' Sankalp yelled and Dr.Madhulika hastily turned around and just about to slip and fall face first when Sankalp caught her. "Hell" ''Damn'' their faces so close, half a millimeter distance distance! they just couldn't take their eyes off each other. For a moment, they were not snob and oddball to each other and then, moment later they realized they were looking at each other's face for too long,...they ran to the different directions as if chased by rabid dogs. Sankalp was already waiting at the ground floor with one hand in his pant pocket and another one in front of his face, checking time when Madhulika came down and stood beside him awkwardly...... ''you took your time!'' He grumbled "As if you would have liked if i have had taken yours" Dr.Madhulika retorted back smoothly and left leaving a taken back Rathod behind. "Everyone left!" Insiyaa hissed in irritation and sudden anger while walking toward their car ''But i saw them leaving'' Ruthba sheepishly said from behind ''Yeah! They left hours ago!....what's gotten into you this morning dee'' Swarna nodded, going toward Blaze, who was looking handsome as ever in his black shirt, half button down, jacket in his hand looking around, leaning against the car lazily smoking cigarette. "Then why is he here!" Insiyaa asked in a hushed tone to Ruthba again leaning behind ''I'm not sure madam,....we can ask! But i really saw them leaving, all 3 of them'' "Three!?" ''Mmh....Mr.Rathod and Mr.Aragon at front seat and the another lady that came yesterday in red saree,....umm Ranaji's doctor maybe, in the backseat'' "And if they left together then most definitely came back together. Well then, i am stuck now, ain't i ? I can't just ignore them and take 2 long stride to my car and be on my merry way home, can i !?" ''Err....nope, that would be rude'' "I've to greet him AND wait for the other two" She asked and her secretary nodded nervously before making her way towards her car which was standing behind Blaze Aragon's. ''Mr.Aragon'' Ruthba greeted while Insiyaa was walking little slowly, looking anywhere but at him. Ruthba gently gave her employer a nudge. And Insiyaa turned,..."Hello!" greeted Blaze softly, He only c****d his head a little acknowledging them and lit another cigarette.....which irritated Insiyaa a little, so she looked away. ''Umm....what brought you back here, Sir!'' Ruthba asked when she saw Insiyaa wasn't initiating any conversation ''the Dr. left her ipad and charger back in the room.....we almost passed half way when she realized that'' He answered looking at Insiyaa ''And how are you still here'' Insiyaa did not realize that Blaze was asking her something. Ruthba nudged her again and eyed her pointing at Blaze "Umm...sorry what were you saying" ''I asked, how are you still here, everybody left'' "i slept a little longer" She answered looking anywhere but him which irritated Blaze like nothing else ''are you sure, you did not leave anything else back there'' "Yes yes! I'm sure" Sankalp's voice came out and they turned only to see Dr.Madhulika Iyer and Sankalp coming out, They stopped talking when they saw the other three pair of eyes on them. Sankalp's lips curved in a sweet smile when he saw Insiyaa and pulled her in a sudden excited hug. ''Hey! Raichand'' And Insiyaa awkwardly pulled out in a mere second "heyaa... back Rathod" She greeted back before gently putting her hair behind her ear. "Hi....i'm Madhulika Iyer" Dr.Madhulika waved at her like a over excited child "Hmm! I'm __ "Insiyaa Hayat Raichand, i know.....the famous jewellery designer. I know! You were amazing last night, your designs were sooooo beautiful and your dance, o my god__" ''Dr.....breathe in,......" Sankalp animatedly said showing her how to inhale .... "breathe out!'' and exhaled looking at her with a cheeky smile "And I'm gonna go sit in the car" She narrowed her eyes at him and gave her a nervous smile and left "It's rude to interrupt someone when they are talking" Insiyaa said in a gentle yet scolding voice ''Trust me, you do not want to encourage her talking'' Sankalp said rolling his eyes,.... ''So, you are on your way home ?'' He asked again c*****g his head, looking at her car "" ''I can drive both of you home, you know!....Blaze can drive her back to Bikaner'' He suggested and all the time Ruthba was wacthing Blaze and judging by Blaze's expression....or expressionless face, he didn’t like the idea at all. "and how will you go back! beside I'm going to the office first....some work still pending, so don't bother" She politely declined They got in their car and both went to the opposite direction..... But not before Blaze take a good look at her face....and as for Insiyaa, no one could tell what she was thinking wearing that huge goggles, it was a sunny day after all. -------------

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