Chapter 8

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Zayn Jr., POV I’ve never seen her before, and I didn’t care if she was an omega or not. I wanted to be there for her, protect her, take away all her pain. Something tells me that this was going to be harder than I thought. I wanted to stay to ensure she had eaten , but she didn’t seem comfortable with me so I made my way out. I went out to the lake that we had to clear my head. I’ve never felt this way about anyone before, and knew in my heart that I didn’t want her to reject me. I would do everything in my power to make sure that didn’t happen. She had to most beautiful brown skin that I had ever seen. She had big enough breast to please me and feed our pups. Her ass was so soft I wanted to lay my head there and stay forever. Everything about her made my heart, and p***s jump both for different but the same reasons. My thoughts were interrupted by Zion my twin brother. “Hey bro, dad said that you had some important things to do for the reason why you left breakfast early” he said approaching me “Yea, I had a few things to take care of” I said as he sat down “Really, did one of those things involve your c**k getting wet” he said smiling “Come on bro, stop it I don’t have time for the drama. I see what you go through on the daily” I said to him “Yea, but who says you can’t have fun until your mate comes along” he said laughing “Yea, I guess” I said “So what do you have planned for the day” he asked “Training” I lied and said I knew he couldn’t stand to train so I said something I knew he didn’t like so he wouldn’t try to follow me. I wanted to see her again, to talk to her to find out more about her, and why she is so intimidated and uncomfortable with me. “When is training” “In about 20 minutes” I said I waited until he left and was out of my view-sight before I departed myself. I went to the training grounds to see who was training today, and there was no one there that piqued my interest. “Hey Zayn, you coming to train with us” Mindy asked “Maybe later, I got some stuff to handle” I told her. Mindy was never one to bite her tongue, and she had told me on multiple occasions how she felt about me. I left the training grounds before Mindy came up to start up a conversation with me. I snuck back into the house trying to make as less noise as possible so I didn’t get caught. I went into the kitchen and had them make me up a small charcuterie board, with different cheeses hard and soft, an array of fruit, with some summer sausage with different crackers. “You know you don’t have to wait, I’ll have an omega bring it up to you” the sous chef said “That’s okay, I’ll take it on my way up” I told him I wanted him to hurry up before one of my parents or my twin came in. He finally finished it, and I grabbed it out of his hand so fast he had to do a double take. I made sure the coast was clear before I went and grabbed a bottle of champagne and two glasses. After that I went to her room with the snacks and drinks I acquired. I entered her bedroom and dropped everything I had in my hands due to the sight. She had slit her wrists and was laying in a pool of her blood. I rushed to her side while ripping my shirt in two to tie around each of her wrists. I didn’t know what to do or who to call, but I knew I could trust Grace, so I mind linked her to come to the new girl’s room immediately. Two minutes later and she was in her room shutting the door before any one walked past. “What happened” she said as she grabbed the first aid kit bandaging up her wrists. I picked her up and laid her on the bed and placed the blanket over her. “I don’t know I came in her and saw her like this” I said traumatised from the sight of my mate. Why would she want to kill herself? Is it because she found out we were mates? “What were you doing here?” She asked I knew there was no lying to Grace so I decided to tell her the truth. “I found out just before breakfast that she is my mate”I said Grace gasped and just stood there silently looking from me to her. “Okay, go away for a while and I’ll let you know when to come back” she said “I don’t want to leave her I want to stay” I said She sighed and knew she couldn’t do anything else about it. “Well at least go to another floor while I have this mess cleaned up” she said. That I could do I didn’t want to be away from her for too long.
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