55 Battle

1953 Words

John POV I'm heading to the warrior's barracks after Lily came to tell me everything that is happening regarding Lucas's attack. I'm glad Leland is doing the right thing. I want to be there to see that ba**ard suffer after what he did to my aunt and his mother. As I walk down the path that winds through the cottages and leads to the barracks, a white wolf runs across in front of me. The wolf stops and starts to sniff the air before it runs toward the cottages. I don't know all the wolves in the pack, but if I remember correctly, white wolves aren't common. I watch as the wolf comes to stop in front of one of the cottages. When the wolf shifts, I can see it's a beautiful woman even though I some distance away. I don't want to act like a pervert, but I can't bring myself to look away.

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