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1855 Words

Atlas POV I haven't heard from Neal or the Elders. I can't believe that she has managed to hide herself from my men this long. I need her back and by my side. If anything happens to her or my pup, I will lose my mind. "What do you think she is going to be like when you finally find her Atlas?" "Do you really think she will be happy to see you" Silas says. "Despite everything that has happened Silas she is our mate and I can make her believe me." "I have always been good to Amelia." "If only you could have kept your d**k out of your sister-in-law you would have been the perfect mate." "Enough Silas, I don't want to hear any more about Freya or what I did." "Well until I have my mates you will hear about it every day human." "You will have a lot of begging to do if we finally get her back

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