62 Plans to Be Had

2012 Words

Damien POV Desiree is a mediocre witch at best, but she is a witch just the same. She has been in love with me forever and, despite me using her, she still follows me around like she has a chance of being more than a plaything. She was once a part of a coven but she was a low-ranking member. She hated her place in the coven and when we met I made her feel like she was important. Making her feel that way allowed me to use her powers. She has been an asset in helping me keep the collective safe from other supernaturals, but if I have hybrids, I won't need her anymore. The first time I introduced her to Richard, he tried to hide what he was, but she was still able to tell despite his efforts. I still can't believe that little brat is part Fae. I didn't even think they still existed. Tha

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