20 Questions

2004 Words

Amelia POV The minute Lincoln says our pup is alright, I feel my body relax. I'm sore where Max kicked me in the back, but with our increased healing, the pain will be gone soon. I still can't believe he would do such a thing to me. He seems so different compared to Michael. He was like this cold, unfeeling man who didn't even think twice about hurting me or my pup. Lincoln brings me out of my thoughts with a kiss on my forehead. He leaves to go get the doctor and I lay my hand on my bump. "You're safe little bean." "I'm proud of you Amelia, you protected our pup like the bada** you are." I chuckle "I think I had a little help from my awesome and bada** wolf." She puffs out her chest in my mind and it makes me smile. The door opens and Lincoln returns, followed by Dr. Neilson. "Luna

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