32 Relax

2107 Words

Amelia POV Once we reach the room, the exhaustion starts to hit me. This whole day has been tiring, to say the least. It weighs heavy on my heart that Elder Brandon lost his life because of Atlas and that ba**ard Thomas. I know in my heart it's not my fault, but it doesn't make my heart hurt any less for the pain this is causing everyone. Lincoln is trying to protect me from his feelings, but I can still feel his anger and pain. "Amelia" Lily says, and I'm brought out of my thoughts. I look at her and she places her hands on my shoulders. "Atlas and Thomas are going to pay just as Max did for all they have done." She wraps me in a hug and I give in just feeling her love for me. A knock sounds and Lily pulls back looking confused. She heads to the door "who is it?" "I have your din

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