24 Father

1757 Words

Lucas POV "So, Conrad what do you expect me to do for you?" "You failed to hold up your end of the deal Conrad." "Your daughter was supposed to be mine and you failed but you expect me to help you now." "I gave you Iris in her place because you insisted on it." "She took my powers, I want them back." I laugh "your pathetic either way so I won't be helping you." "I gave you my beloved to protect me and my coven" Conrad pleads. "That was the deal." "You sacrificed your beloved for your own selfish wants and now you expect me to help you." I stand from my seat and walk over to Iris. "Stand pet." She listens like the good girl she has become and I slam my mouth down on hers. When I pull back, I turn and smile at Conrad. "You were nothing before and now you are even less." "You sure as h

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