49 New Day

2106 Words

John POV The ceremony was so beautiful and I'm glad that Lily and Neal were made Gamma/'s. It's still hard to believe that everyone important to me is here in a wolf pack I chuckle to myself. I told my mother that I would have breakfast with her, Aunt Iris, and Walker today. I'm going to go on a run and get a little training in before we have breakfast. I throw on gray sweats and a black t-shirt. I head out of the cottage and toward the path. As I start to run, I feel like I'm being watched. I look around but I don't see anyone. Great John, your being paranoid, I say to myself. That f**ker Lucas has me losing it. I can't wait to watch him suffer for all he did to my aunt. A wolf steps out as I run near the border and I stop. The wolf smells like pack but I don't know all the wo

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