I reject you

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Chapter 3 Jamison’s pov When I woke up today, I heard the best news in a long time. Poor little miss perfect Rayne failed to shift for her first time last night. It is about time she lost at something, the girl really pi.sses me off at times, thinking she can do whatever the hell she likes and make me look bad. Don’t get me wrong, she is a stunning girl with an amazing, toned body and curves in all of the right places. She just has to be the best at everything all of the time. She is the top student, best warrior, and totally innocent, wanting to wait for her mate. All of the other girls fall at our feet and would do anything to get in one of our beds. But not her, and there is no one I want more under me while I dominate her. She won’t even submit to me, I mean come on who the hell does she think she is, I am the future Alpha, and my command and aura work on everyone else except for her and my parents. She thinks she is so much better than me, now I have something to put her in her place. Everyone will see her as defective now, no matter how great she is at everything, and I can not wait for training to show her she is nothing. I am in a great mood as we walk up to the training ground before Zane, my wolf starts shouting in my head about our mate and wanting to get close to her. As I look around to try and find her my gaze stops at Rayne, if it was before last night I might have been thrilled to find out she is my mate, but now I know she doesn’t have a wolf or can’t shift there is no way I will be accepting a defective mate. Why in the hell would the moon goddess match me with her? This has to be some kind of fu.cking joke. I am the strongest pack member and future Alpha for goddess sake. I will be laughed at if I accept her. People will see me as weak. The cheek of her as well when I hear her curse out loud as soon as she feels the bond with me just makes me angrier. How dare she think that she is still better than me when she can not do the simplest thing a werewolf does and bring forward her wolf. Hell no, I am definitely going to show this bi.tch her place right now. “Don’t you dare reject our mate” Zane roars in my head. “I am not accepting a weak human. That is all she is now” I argue back. “Our mate is strong, don’t do something we will both regret because of your small mind” he warns. “As if, I will not let you make a fool of us, we will get someone better, hell Julie is much better suited to be our Luna and she will jump at the chance” I say back to him putting up a wall so he can not complain anymore or stop what I am about to do. “I thought you would have been too embarrassed to show your face today after your failure last night” I taunt her. “I have nothing to be ashamed of. My time will come. If anyone should be embarrassed it is you, the fact I can still kick your a.ss no matter what form you are in, gives you no room to speak about me” she mocks me back, this bi.tch really is a piece of work the fact she can still stand there so proud in front of me, has she no shame. “I can not believe the moon goddess would try and stick me with a defective, worthless wolf such as yourself. You do realise there is no way I will accept a wolfless human” I sneer at her as she laughs in my face. “Oh trust me, Alpha, you are not exactly a catch. I definitely do not want to be stuck with someone as conceited, pretentious, and prejudiced as you” she says with disgust. ”Fine then let’s get this over with so I can be rid of you once and for all. I Jamison Gold future Alpha of the Moonshine Pack reject you Rayne Lancaster as my mate and Luna” I say loudly as the pain starts to hit. She just stands looking happy as if she can not feel a thing. “I Rayne Lancaster, accept your rejection Jamison Gold, and refuse all rights as your mate and Luna from this day forth” she says full of strength and confidence before walking off as if nothing has happened while I collapse on to the ground in pain roaring out at the loss of the bond. “Get to my office right now” my father roars through the mindlink as my friends are helping me up. Well that’s just great. Someone obviously could not wait to open their mouth to the Alpha about me rejecting Rayne. Well, there is nothing he can do about it now. She has already accepted it. I let my friends know that I have to go to my dad’s office, so they take an arm each and help me walk towards the packhouse. This is so fu.cking embarrassing, the fact I need help, and she just walks off as if she didn’t feel a thing. It must be because she doesn’t have her wolf. There is no way she is that much stronger than me. My mum is in the office with my dad along with my friends dad’s the current beta and Gamma. Mum and dad are looking seriously pi.ssed off at me right now as I am helped into a seat in front of his desk. “What the hell did I just hear? Please tell me they were just mistaken, and you have not just rejected Rayne as your mate” he says angrily. “This has nothing to do with you dad, it is my life, and I am not going to be stuck with a mate who can not even shift. I mean, really, what will everyone think of me” I say back firmly. “You are a fool boy, I really hoped that one day you would grow up. We have spoiled you too much with you being an only child. I can not believe you would throw the goddesses gift like that. Rayne is the perfect Luna. She is smart, strong, and caring, everything that you lack. I fear for the future of this pack when I have to pass it on to you” he says solemnly. “How could you say that we would be a laughing stock having her as the Luna. I need my mate to have a wolf, Julie is strong and capable. She would be much better in the role” I argued. “You really want that sl.utty rank chaser instead of your true mate. You are worse than I thought, I have really failed as your mother. There is no way I want someone like that taking over my position, she will ruin the pack. She is just as selfish and self obsessed as you are” My mum spits out furious. “There is no need for that mum, Julie is a good girl. She cares about people and will make a great Luna, and at least she has a wolf” I try to reason with her. “You really have no clue at all, do you? How can you be so blind to how people really are. One day you are going to seriously regret your decision and it will be too late. Rayne will never take you back, and you will be sorry when you realise exactly what you have lost in her. You have weakened yourself and the pack, but she is still standing strong and proud, ever wonder why? What am I saying? Of course you wouldn’t. You are too stupid to think clearly” mum shouts at me. “That is unfair mum, you are just biased towards her because you are best friends with her mum. I will prove the pack is stronger without her as soon as I get my turn to run it” I argue back, getting up to walk out. “I really hope you manage to prove us wrong, son, but there are so many things you don’t know. I really hope you two will not be as stupid as my son is and reject your true mate, or this pack will really truly be fu.cked if all of you are that stupid” dad says disappointed. We all look a little less cocky as we walk out of the room, Devon and Gordon start questioning me if I am really sure about my decision and don’t want to try and take it back. I guess they managed to get in their heads. They never question my decisions, and we normally agree on everything. Zane has blocked me off now totally furious at me for rejecting our mate, I know he will calm down and come around eventually, he never had a problem with scr.ewing Julia before he found out Rayne was our mate so he will be fine as soon as he calms down and realises it is for the best.
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