He chuckled as he added, “You’re the prettiest young woman I’ve ever seen and that’s saying more than I would like to count up in number.” Calina grinned. “I expect we will be able to talk tomorrow and thank you once again.” Before Horatio Bagshot could get out of the chair to stop her as she thought he might do, she ran down the deck and turned in through the first door she came to. As she was going down the stairs to her cabin, to her surprise she met the Marquis coming up. “Oh, there you are!” he exclaimed. “And you must forgive me if I have neglected you, but some friends who are very keen on horses came aboard especially to see the pair I am taking to Egypt for the Khedive Ismail.” Calina did not answer and he went on, “I had to show them what they had come to see and they ha