1524 Words

I sit in the sterile hospital room, my heart heavy with dread. The doctor's words echo in my mind like a haunting refrain. "I'm sorry. We did everything we could, but I'm afraid to inform you that you've lost the baby." My hand trembles as I clutch the edge of the hospital bed, my eyes welling up with tears. The weight of grief settles upon my shoulders, crushing me with its unbearable burden. How did I allow this to happen?! Anger, sorrow, and disbelief mingle together in a tumultuous storm. And amidst the chaos, one name resounds louder than the rest: Catherine. “It’s her fault,” I murmur bitterly. “She had caused this. The stress, the anxiety, it had all taken its toll, robbing me of my precious child.” As the doctor leaves the room to give me some time alone, I bury my face in my ha

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