CHAPTER FORTY-SIX: The Final Verdict

1690 Words

REBECCA’S POV: The air inside the courtroom is thick with tension as I step through the doors, my lawyer Jonathan at my side. A few paces behind us trails Knox, his presence casting a shadow of unease. His lawyer, a man with an unintelligent-looking face, followed suit, as if he’s merely a puppet to Knox's will. My demeanor is composed, my steps measured as I make my way to my seat. But beneath the facade of calmness, a storm brewing in my mind, swirling with the weight of recent events. The photos that I received, unexpected and unsettling, linger in the recesses of my thoughts, their implications gnawing at my resolve. But, for as long as Knox won’t know about my condition until this legal battle ends, then I’ll be alright. As the judge takes her place at the bench in front of the ro

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