CHAPTER SIX: A Sense of Belonging

1663 Words
CATHERINE’S POV: My weary feet carry me up the elevator leading to Knox's mansion’s foyer. With each step, my heart flutters with relief and anticipation. What’s behind these elevator’s walls await not just shelter and sustenance but also the warm presence of Maxinne. Upon entering the opulent foyer, my attention is immediately drawn to a tiny figure darting towards us with uncontainable excitement. "Maxinne!" I exclaim as I crouch down with stretched arms. Maxinne, with her curls bouncing and laughter echoing through the halls, throws herself into my arms. I envelope her in a tight embrace, feeling a surge of affection wash over me. Maxinne's presence is like a balm to my broken heart. "Missed you, Catherine!" Maxinne exclaims, her voice muffled against my shoulder. I smile, pressing a kiss to the crown of Maxinne's head. "I missed you too, baby." As Maxinne reluctantly pulls away, I watch with a fondness that borders on maternal. Every time I look at her, I can't help but see glimpses of what could have been. If only fate had granted my unborn child the chance to breathe life, I imagine she'd be just like Maxinne—radiant, with that same enchanting smile and gentle demeanor. Maxinne embodies everything I yearned for in my lost dream—a beauty and sweetness that could only be conjured from a mother's deepest wishes. "Thank you, Daddy, for bringing Catherine back," Maxinne says, turning to the handsome man, whose name I’m still not aware of, with a beaming smile. The man’s piercing violet eyes soften, a hint of pride shining through his mask of uncertainty. He reaches out to ruffle Maxinne's hair affectionately before meeting my gaze. “Let’s have dinner, then we’ll talk,” he says as he scoops Maxinne into his arms. The air is thick with the aroma of simmering sauces and fresh herbs as I trail after the handsome man towards the kitchen. One of the babysitters is bustling about, expertly chopping vegetables and stirring pots on the stove. The clatter of pots and pans fill the spacious area. "Everything smells delicious," the man remarks. The babysitter turns towards him with a smile, her eyes crinkling at the corners. "Thank you, Mr. Montemayor. Dinner will be ready shortly." Mr. Montemayor? As I echo his last name in my mind, a sense of recognition surges through me, but it takes a moment for the pieces to click into place. It's Knox Montemayor, Elijah’s esteemed boss, the same man whose face graced the cover of countless magazines I'd perused with idle curiosity. How could I have forgotten such a striking visage and a name that resonates with power and influence? Maybe I’m too exhausted, too hungry and too distraught that I fail to recognize him sooner. As Mr. Knox, Maxinne and I settle around the dining table, I shift uncomfortably in my seat, my gaze flickering as the babysitters’ eyes dart between me and Mr. Knox with an unspoken curiosity. Mr. Knox turns to the babysitters and says, "Actually, why don't you join us for dinner before heading home? We have plenty to share." The babysitters exchange glances, their surprise evident in the way their eyes widen in disbelief. A flush of confusion creeps up my face as their gazes settle on me, as if I’ve committed some unforgivable transgression. Once all the food is served, the babysitters sit alongside us. I’m so desperate to put something in my stomach, but I exert my patience until someone starts eating. With trembling hands, I reach for a glass of water, the cool liquid soothing against my parched throat. I take a long sip, hoping to quell the hunger searing my stomach. Then, I dive into the food with a fervor that borders on desperation. I pile my plate high with pasta, taking huge, consecutive bites. Only when I feel the weight of everyone's gaze upon me do I pause, my cheeks heating with embarrassment. I lower my fork, meeting Mr. Knox's gaze with guilt and apology. I chew and swallow the pasta with urgency so that I can properly say “I’m sorry.” I’m unsure if it’s just me, but I think I see Mr. Knox's expression softens, a ghost of a smile playing at the corners of his lips. The comforting warmth of a satisfying meal enwraps me. With a grateful smile, I bid farewell to the babysitters as they make their way out the grand main door, their voices fading into the distance. Alone in the kitchen to wash the dishes, I take a moment to relish the quietude that blankets over the mansion. After drying my hands on a dishcloth, I head to the living area, where Mr. Knox, who’s now in his pajamas, is sitting on the gilded plush sofa, his posture relaxed yet expectant. He motions for me to join him, his chiseled face devoid of emotion. Taking a seat beside him, I fidget with the hem of the dress I got from the guest room’s dresser, my gaze drifting towards the floor as I struggle to find my words. To ease the tension in me, I clear my throat, mustering up the courage to speak. "Where’s Maxinne?" “She’s in her playroom all by herself, that’s why our conversation needs to be fast but efficient,” he says monotonously. “I understand,” I reply. Without wasting time, Mr. Knox jumps right to our needed conversation. He begins, "I can only offer you shelter here for a day or two. I’ll find you a separate place to stay.” A wave of disappointment crashes over me. I have hoped, perhaps naively, that my time in this place will be more than just temporary refuge, that I’ll find a sense of belonging with Maxinne. But I don’t question Mr. Knox's decision, coz what right do I have? Instead, I simply nod, my gaze fixed on my clasped hands on my lap as I struggle to contain the swell of emotions in me. The silence stretches between us, heavy with unspoken words. My mind is busy with thoughts of what lies ahead, of the uncertainty that awaits me beyond the confines of this place. There’s no way I’d go back to my old life… with the Sanchezs! Then, as if sensing my inner turmoil, Mr. Knox speaks again, his voice softer yet resolute. "I'll provide you with enough money to get by for at least two months. That should give you enough time to find a job and secure a stable living situation." My eyes widen in surprise at the unexpected offer, my heart flitting with gratitude and relief. "Thank you," I murmur, smiling. "I appreciate it more than you know." Just as I thought that that’s the end of our conversation, Mr. Knox speaks again. “I know I’m not in the position to ask about your private matters, but… What happened to you the night we met?” His piercing gaze bears into my faltering one, searching for answers I’m not sure I’m ready to divulge. My throat constricts with the weight of unspoken words. All the memories leading up to that dreadful night flash in my mind with harrowing clarity, each one a painful reminder of the life I desperately want to leave behind. Probably sensing my discomfort, Mr. Knox speaks again, his voice soft and understanding. "You don't have to answer if you don't want to. I don't want to pry into your past if it's too painful for you." Though I hate reliving the past, Mr. Knox deserves to know since he’s helping me and allowing me to stay in his house. This may give him a peace of mind that I’m not a dangerous person, if that’s the reason why he can’t let me stay here for long. Taking a deep breath, I steady my gaze to Mr. Knox and say, "No, Mr. Knox, let me tell you." And so, with each word that tumbles from my lips, I unravel my painful story: starting from the betrayal of my husband with my best friend. Followed by the relentless abuse I endured at the hands of my in-laws, both physical and verbal. But it’s the last one, the most devastating of all, that leaves me trembling with sorrow. "And then, I lost my baby. The baby I had prayed for, hoped for, for years... I lost it because of too much stress and my mother-in-law’s physical attack." Tears well in my eyes, threatening to spill over. I take another deep breath, gathering my courage as I prepare to reveal the depths of my attachment to Maxinne next. "You see, Mr. Knox, from the moment I saw Maxinne, there’s something about her... something that’s wanting me to be with her. It’s as if she has this innate ability to fill the void in my heart.” I pause, my thoughts drifting back to the first time I laid eyes on Maxinne, my heart skipping a beat at the memory of her infectious laughter and boundless joy. "I know it’s not right to look at her as the child I’ve always dreamed of having. The child I’ve lost and will never have." Before I’m able to continue, our attention is stolen by the sound of gentle footsteps echoing. There, standing at the bottom of the glass stairs, is Maxinne, clad in her pajamas with her beloved teddy bear clutched tightly in her tiny, porcelain arms. A radiant smile lights up her face as she gazes up at me with an innocence that takes my breath away. Then, both me and Mr. Knox flinches in surprise when Maxinne chimes in. “I can be your daughter if you like.” Mr. Knox and I glance at each other with wide eyes, but we quickly veer our gazes away from each other out of awkwardness. Maxinne then asks, amplifying the pace of my heartbeat, “Would you like to be my mommy?”
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