CHAPTER FORTY-FOUR: What's Wrong with Catherine?

1233 Words

CATHERINE’S POV: My stomach twists and turns, a gnawing ache tearing through my insides like a voracious beast. I crawl out of bed, my legs weak beneath me, and stumble to the bathroom’s sink, retching violently into the porcelain basin. Each heave sends waves of agony coursing through my body, leaving me gasping for air, tears stinging my eyes. Knox hovers by my side, his face etched with worry, his fingers nervously tapping against his thigh as he makes a frantic phone call to someone I can't quite discern. Then his hand gently rubs and circles on my back. He murmurs, his voice thick with concern, "Just breathe, my love, breathe." But the pain persists, a relentless torment that seems to radiate from deep within my core. My mind races with anxious possibilities as I try to make sen

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