Chapter Seven ~Just One Night

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After arriving at the club, Mackenzie began to question if going out had really been a good idea. She was a little overwhelmed by all the people even though, according to the other girls, The club was practically empty. Mackenzie had just never been in a place like this. It was dark, loud, and she felt completely out of place. Charlie could see her discomfort and made sure they got a VIP table off to the side. Mackenzie sat down and a server came to get their orders. The three girls all ordered cocktails while Charlie and Mackenzie just ordered Cokes. Sophia, Marie, and Emily all downed their drinks and took off to the dance floor which was already getting full. Charlie grabbed Mackenzie by the hand causing her to look at her. "This is the last night you are going to say yes to everything your heart desires. I want you to make the most of it. Don't let anything hold you back, okay? Not even me, follow your heart." Charlie said, her eyes so serious it made Mackenzie a bit uneasy. She could not help but feel as if Charlie wanted something to come from all this but had no idea what exactly that was. She knew her friend had only the best of intentions for her, but she could not help but notice the worry in Charlie's eyes. She held Mackenzie's hand for a moment as if she was afraid to let go before the smile reappeared on her face and she released her hand to grab her Coke and take a few sips. "Let's go dance," Charlie said, standing up and pulling Mackenzie out onto the dance floor. Mackenzie could feel herself shrinking up as they walked through the dancing crowd. People bumped up against her, but Charlie never let go as they made their way to a more open area. She turned and took hold of both of Mackenzie's hands to get her attention. "Now, just dance like no one is watching. Close your eyes." Charlie instructed, loud enough to be heard over the thundering music. Mackenzie had always loved music. Without it, she would have never survived all those years in foster care. Putting on headphones and laying under the covers was the only privacy that she could find at times. It always was her solace at school, as well, because it made her brain come alive. You could hardly find her studying without music playing. In High School, she had even dared to sing at a Talent Show. She had only been brave enough to do it because she knew that by the next day, she would be leaving for a new foster home. Which also made dancing in front of all these strangers a little bit easier. Charlie had seen her dance before and if the other girls saw her she would not care. After this trip, she may not ever run into them again. She closed her eyes and listened to the music, her hips starting to move to the rhythm. She felt Charlie let go of her hands and she just let her body take over. Getting lost in the music as she began to move. It was an amazing feeling not to hold back, it was even a bit intoxicating. She suddenly felt more like herself than she had in many years. She thought this part of herself had died the day her parents had and she was beyond happy to see that it was still alive and well, just hidden deep within her, waiting to be set free. She opened her eyes for a moment and that's when she saw him, staring at her from across the room. He could not seem to look away from her and she could not ignore the way his stare set her whole body on fire. Suddenly, there was nothing she wanted more than for him to be closer to her. She reached up and motioned for him to come to her. She felt a shiver run up her spine when he obeyed her without even looking away for one moment. He shoved the beers he was holding toward the same man she had seen with him at the pool and then walked straight for her. It was as if the whole world started to slow down and all the people dancing around her disappeared until she saw only him. When he got closer his scent invaded her senses. She could feel her chest getting heavy as it became harder for her to catch her breath. She had never wanted anyone so much in her entire life and even though that terrified her, this time she was not willing to run away. I just want to feel him, She told herself as she reached for his tie and pulled him close. Turning around to grind her body up against his, The feel of his hands on her hips made her body ache in places it never had before. She turned back around and placed her hands on his chest, looking up into his eyes, The color was just as smokey grey as she thought they were from when she had seen them at a distance. "Do you remember me?" She asked, A flash of what she thought was surprise reached his eyes. "How could I forget?" he answered, a small smile curving his lips. Just one kiss, She thought as she looked down at those lips and then back into his eyes. Suddenly nothing else existed but the two of them. The music faded away until all she could hear and feel was the thundering of her heart and the feeling of his pounding against the palm of her hand. She slid her hands up his chest, her fingers delving into the silky strands of his dark hair. She leaned up on her tiptoes to press her lips against his in a fiery kiss. She had never kissed anyone before so at first, she was a bit unsure of what to do. Then she felt him kissing her back, his lips moving against hers and the tip of his lounge urging her to open up for him. She moved her hands to both of his shoulders to keep her balance as she parted her lips and let him invade her mouth. Her head spun and her whole body felt like it would burst into flames. Just one night. The thought came into her mind, urging her to not let this end here. Just say yes. Her heart was beating so hard she thought she might be having a heart attack. She was so scared, but also so excited that it felt like she was being torn apart. She broke the kiss and was panting hard as she stared back into his eyes. Biting her lower lip in order to try to calm herself enough so she could speak. "My name is Mackenzie." She said, looking away for the first time. Feeling shy all of sudden that she had just kissed a man whose name she did not even know. He placed his hand on the side of her face and made her look at him again. His eyes filled with confusion but, quickly disappeared being replaced with the desire that had been there a moment ago. He smiled as he leaned down to press his lips against hers in a gentle kiss this time. "My name is Daniel." Suddenly, Mackenzie became aware of all the people dancing around them. He had somehow maneuvered them to a far corner of the dance floor but the place was getting more crowded. She looked around and had lost sight of Charlie completely. She began to panic a little when she realized she was in a strange place with a strange man, but then she felt his thumb stroke her cheek and she looked back at him. His eyes were so warm and inviting, and his smile made her knees feel weak. For some reason she trusted him and she did not know if that made her crazy or just plain stupid. She leaned up and kissed him again, she could not get enough of his kisses and her body ached for more. Don't let anything hold you back, okay? Not even me, follow your heart. Charlie's words came rushing into her mind. Had Charlie known that something like this may happen? All Mackenzie knew at this moment was that she wanted Daniel more than anything. Who knew if she would ever feel this way again? This crazy uncontrollable desire? It was not the safe kind of love she planned for herself years from now when she settled down to have a family of her own. No, This was like wildfire. Completely unpredictable and dangerous, but she could not seem to pull away. Instead, she leaned in closer, wanting to get burned. Just one night. Just say yes. She pulled back from the kiss and looked deep into his eyes, her hand running down his rough jawline and suddenly she wanted to know what that felt like against her cheek. She bit her lower lip unable to say the words that burned in the back of her throat but in the end, he said them for her. "Want to get out of here?"
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