Chapter 597

2017 Words

Scarlett thought: What damnably queer people Yankees are! Those women seemed to think that because Uncle Peter was black, he had no ears to hear with and no feelings, as tender as their own, to be hurt. They did not know that n*****s had to be handled gently, as though they were children, directed, praised, petted, scolded. They didn't understand n*****s or the relations between the n*****s and their former masters. Yet they had fought a war to free them. And having freed them, they didn't want to have anything to do with them, except to use them to terrorize Southerners. They didn't like them, didn't trust them, didn't understand them, and yet their constant cry was that Southerners didn't know how to get along with them. Not trust a darky! Scarlett trusted them far more than most white

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