To Plot and to Kill

1619 Words

Freyja’s POV "This is no official visit! There definitely would have been talks about it, and I would have heard. I'm certain that they have come to inquire about my well-being!" I said. I leaped before I could even think of any consequences, acting like an impulsive child. But there, before me, stood my best friends, Diana and Cole, merely ten steps away, and at that moment, I couldn't think of anything else to do than to embrace them fully. It had been too long since I saw them. I believe that the Inzaghi is over just like Nikolai had tried to convince me that I wasn't in it. So these must be my genuine friends. The real loving and compassionate ones that I know, not the abstraction of those ones in the Inzaghi. I noticed a shock on Diana's face, but I brushed it aside. Typical Dia

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