My dangerous new home

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Nikolai’s POV I sensed it before I even heard them. An uneasy feeling settled in my stomach, and though I tried not to panic, I couldn't help but worry. But I knew there was one person I could rely on—my cousin. He would look after the girls and bring them home safely. Despite his youth, he possessed strength beyond his years. But amidst my concerns, thoughts of Freyja crept into my mind—those mesmerizing green eyes, her delicate frame, and the irresistible allure to understand her mind were awakening something within me that I never thought existed. I took a deep breath, attempting to quell the thoughts that had managed to enter my mind and to steady myself, reminding myself that it was not right. I should despise this girl who had somehow managed to infiltrate my life and disrupt it. There's no doubt she might do to me what they had done to him. A profound sorrow tightened its grip on my heart, on the memory, realizing that back then, and even now, I couldn't do anything, does this mean that I'm still powerless against the lack of evidence? Never! Though the evidence is insufficient for me to take any action right now, I solemnly swear, by all that's precious to me, that I won't let this snatch away my very soul. “Nikolai, don't be hard on yourself. She is not the enemy” Drogo said to me through the mind link. “I believed you were the one who remained unaffected by her. Why didn't you tell me during the selection? You could have at least sent me a sign of some kind. But No, you left her and moved to the other women as if what you felt was not as strong as what I am experiencing” “I read your mind, you didn't want this. But on finding her, I was shocked, Just like you, I had thought there wouldn't be anyone.” "That's true, I never thought I would be forced to select anyone, no, I didn't want it. But I had taken myself to Alpha Jareth’s pack, I should have expected something at least." As Drogo and I carried on the conversation, It was then I heard it. Like a whisper at first, like someone was reaching out to me. “Nikolai” I heard the voice again, but this time with more urgency and force. It didn't take me more than a minute to realize what it was. “Jovan?” Something is wrong, I can feel it. I should have held on to the thought I had earlier. “The scavengers! They found us! And they are more than I had anticipated” It's crazy that the dragons are long gone. Normally I would have gone on my dragon just like you did, but the main reason why I stayed was to make sure that girls were all safe, and now they're in danger." “I am coming!” They must have tried to attack them because they thought our dragons were long gone! My dragon directed me swiftly back the way we had come. Drogo was positioned in such a way that she was ready to unleash her fiery wrath upon those who had no fear and had arrogantly believed they could plunder us. Just as if my anger alone was not enough, Drogo moved near the scene with the sole intention of killing. And just like it always is in battle, her emotions mixed with mine while mine mixed with hers. We practically became one. Drogo’s massive wings beat against the sky as she ascended with primal fury. Her scales glinted in the moonlight, shimmering like precious gems. And with swift movement in the sky, we vanished from the sight of all. This move was always used when we had a large army to fight, the main point was so they wouldn't know where we would descend from. In a split moment, she exhaled a torrent of scorching flames that engulfed the scavengers on the left side without mercy. And then we vanished again into the night sky. This made the scavengers panic as they ran helter-skelter not knowing where the next attack would come from. Some of their soldiers ran ahead with spears in their hands, I believe these were the ones who were ready to give their lives. We descended with a loud noise and some of them had to run and abandon their plans. But they didn't get too far before Drogo's flame leaped on them, reducing them to mere ash. Then we touched the ground, and from where we stood I could see that Jovan and the other warriors had started to engage some of the multitudes of soldiers on the ground, reducing their numbers significantly. These particular soldiers were also unrelenting which made me wonder what exactly was their motivation. She stopped for a moment so I could dismount from her back. With my weapon in hand, I looked around where Jovan and the rest were in the heat of the battle but there was no sign of the girls. I had to find out what happened to them, what had happened to her. There was fury within me as I stood where I was. A soldier ran towards me, he was more of a giant figure, the biggest of his kind I had ever seen. But that meant nothing to me. Just like always, the blood in my eyes was drained to the point of razor-sharp focus. In this zone, I was completely unapproachable and deathly so. His spare was braced in a way that told me what his next move was. Knowing his next move gave me the upper hand as I walked towards the approaching man. At the midway he threw his spear with great precision, it was aiming for the left side, because he had seen that I had no shield and my left hand was empty, but he presumed, and that would cost him his life in an instant. This particular tribe was known for their hundred percent target precision and as his spear tore through the air, in an instant, my blade switched hands from my right to my left hand, and with strong reflexes, I eased out of the way and used my blade to intercept the spear. Ravkan steel was known to be impenetrable and solid so I had no bother when the spear clashed with my blade. I had calculated the angle at which I wanted the spear to go, and with the clash, its sharp head nestled in a rock in between us. In the blink of an eye, I was running towards him. He picked up another spear because he felt the distance between us was a factor. He braced himself for another throw, but before he could move another muscle, I used his old spear, now nestled in the rock as a spring for my feet and it propelled me air, landing right in front of him, and with one jot, his head rolled off his shoulders. “They are safe” Jovan started to make his way towards me. He didn't seem to be hurt, which was great, I would have given him a beating myself. “Good! Are these all?” I asked, looking down at the fallen men. “I am sure if they remained, they would have fled by now. I am worried about the girls. They are terrified.” “They will be okay. It is normal for them to be afraid. They were about to be robbed taken or killed.” I said, looking at the mess. They are humans, no doubt and this will definitely raise some disputes between ourselves and the girls. “No, that's not what they are afraid of, it's the dragon” Jovan replied, his face forming a frown. I should have known that seeing Drogo spit out flames would put some fear in the girls. “They will be fine” I shrugged “Where is she?” I asked and moved away from Jovan. “Beside the truck, hiding” There she was, alone in the moonlight, terrified. I had thought that werewolves had no fear in them. “Come,” I said, stretching out my hand for her to take it. She didn't argue, she ignored the hand I offered, jumped, and held onto me as if her life depended on it. All my logical reasoning left me, I was thinking about the way her shaking body clung to mine, her trembling lips, swelling and moist, maybe from crying. I wanted to part them and kiss her fear away, ease her pain, and envelop in the sweet taste of her tongue. “It's alright,” I said, holding her on both shoulders as I gently tore myself away from her. “It's alright. I told you to come with me” I reminded her. “I will come with you now,” she said, cleaning the tears on her face but her eyes told me she feared going with me too but had no choice. “Resume your seats, I said to the rest of the girls, we will ride behind you, you need not be afraid anymore” I announced but the girls were already seated, I guess they felt it was safer in the truck still. ___ Freyja’s POV I must say that, nothing has been more scary about today, than the near-death experience we just had. If not. . . then the dragon. She had burnt up the men in just a single dive leaving their lifeless bodies splattered on the ground as the only evidence of their existence. The swiftness and the power that had ended the lives of these men; who had probably been looking for what to eat, was alarming. The men were unkind, but death was not supposed to be their punishment. Now I'm seated on the same dragon, with this stranger, the prince whom I just met, yet there was this familiarity I felt towards him. What had I been thinking when I believed this place would offer solace from my own pack? The truth is that I actually have no real understanding of this new world. My earlier convictions now felt naive in the face of the current reality, and up until now, my mind was transfixed on the cries of the men that died. To be completely honest my heart was in my mouth the whole time, right from the climbing on top of the dragon and settling behind the dragon prince in the saddle. It was all unfamiliar territory for me but I had a knack for adventure even though I've had little time to enjoy those pleasures of late. But of all my adventures, this seemed the scariest and craziest. I used to pride myself as the chief explorer of the pack forest, believing that only the pack warriors could navigate these throngy woods with precision and skill like myself but that was not until Cole proved me wrong with his much more precise navigation techniques. He even knew the exact places to find the much beloved Pelmodium flower, which was every female's dream plant. Oh, Cole, how I miss him so much! It's really hard to find someone whom you can really bond with on that level. Truly it's a blessing beyond other blessings. I had plans and dreams of how life would be after I gave myself to him and then telling him how we are mates. How the mate-bond would grow strong and stronger with every passing moment. How we would make love and enjoy ourselves in our adventures, moving from place to place. Of course I'd be free then from the shackles of the omega lifestyle. I'd be my own person free to do all and anything I wanted to do. I remember how he had confessed his love for me over and over again. It was just so romantic. He had done it in his own way and in his own fashion. Oh, how I love him so deeply. That is why I must break free from this Inzaghi! I must focus on my goal. Yes, I have to put together some kind of plan that would help me get to that goal as soon as possible. "Omega!" I was called back into the present by the dragon prince's voice. Apparently he had been saying something to me for quite a while now, and I didn't respond. "Yes? I'm sorry." "The whole thing can be quite hard to grasp at the moment, but just remember that you can trust me, okay?" "Yes, okay I will," I said. "Now grab onto me, It's going to feel bumpy at first but once we soar it'll be a smooth glide through the air." He said as he gently stroked the dragon on its neck. The dragon then lifted slowly into the air, and just like he said, it felt quite bumpy but then in a few moments, we were soaring. The rush of the wind hit my face with such intensity that I could feel the goosebumps on my bare flesh. It was amazing, at first the dragon soared so high into the sky that I could literally touch a cloud ball! It was at this moment that I realized that I was still holding on to him with a metal grip. My hands felt warm as I relaxed them a little. "Wow," I muttered to my amazement. He inclined his head and gave me a look I didn't quite understand, to which I replied with a smile. In a few minutes, the burden on my mind seemed to have been lifted . In that moment my heart felt light with joy! Is this what the dragon prince was experiencing on a daily basis? No wonder it left him laughing so hard. There was something so liberating about flying in the sky, and for a first time experience it was surely one that I'd never forget. "Look'' He gestured, directing my gaze towards the magnificent horizon as his dragon lifted us above the lower dark clouds. The sun was slowly rising in the east. It cast a surreal glow over the clear sky and the sight was something to behold. I could now see that all the sunrises I had ever witnessed on the grounds were nothing but rubbish when compared to this astounding view. "This is just so much to take in on one day." I said, blinking away the tears in my eyes. I prided myself with strength but the mere sight of this beautiful painting in the skies took my whole breath away. And to think that some of the highest officials in the pack had never and would never have this kind of experience made me realize a certain percentage of my luck. "It's very deserving for you to see such sights, omega. You deserve every good thing that this world has to offer." He said with such a spirit of warmth I had never imagined him to possess. Was there a good man under all of this facade? There was no danger till we reached the palace, and as I stood outside the grand entrance of the palace, my heart pounded with a mixture of anxiety and fear. Today was the beginning of my new life and what was even scarier was that I'd be meeting the King and Queen of the Ravkans. I had been chosen, alright but the feeling of not belonging here is so overwhelming. I even wonder what singled me out, what makes me the chosen one? ___ I looked at the girls, they looked like they had similar thoughts in their minds too, while some were just in awe of how beautiful the kingdom turned out to be. Forgetting the dangers of the hours before. The dragons in front of the palace hissed their discomfort. I would too if strangers had just invaded my territory. As the heavy palace doors swung open, I took a deep breath and stepped into the opulence that awaited me. My heart raced even faster as I crossed the threshold into a world of magnificence and the unknown. Some guards ushered us into the presence of the King and Queen alongside a group of other notably high-ranking officials and their subjects as they stood before us, ready to extend their welcome. I didn't know how to act, and even more funny I didn't know if I should run or just face my fate. “Welcome” The queen spoke as she opened her arms wide towards me, or maybe all of us but I doubt she could hug all of us at once with her small body. Their royal appearance intimidated me at first, but as she moved closer, she smiled warmly, and I sensed a hint of kindness in her lovely eyes. And that took me by surprise, as I had always heard stories about the cold and unfeeling monarchs, especially the Ravkans, ruling with an iron fist. With a curtsy, I greeted them nervously, my voice betraying me. “Your Majesties, it is an honor to meet you." I did what I had thought was the right thing and the girls followed suit. The King's laughter came from behind the queen. It sounded genuine as he extended his hand to help me rise. "The honor is ours, dear Frejya. Welcome to our home and the girls, you don't have to be so formal. The only thing you can do now is to understand the ways of my people, because you now belong here." I now belong here. Their welcoming demeanor made me feel slightly at ease, but my skepticism didn't shake. I had heard enough stories of deceit and cruelty within the noble courts, and I knew better than to let my guard down. The Queen's smile was gentle and comforting. "Please, sit down and make yourself comfortable. We've been looking forward to meeting you." We all took seats around the throne and then a bell was rung for tea to be served. I took a sip of cup placed in front of me, as I searched for the Prince’s cousin. And then the Prince himself, none of them were in sight but still I tried to compose myself. The tea tasted like heavenly liquid, it was a saviour to my parched throat. ___ “Your wedding will be in a week. Make sure you make yourself available for the seamstress to measure for all your dresses, and the girls too” She announced. They are making dresses for me? I thought as a subtle amusement crept to my lips. No one has ever done that for me before. But I needed help. The thought of being confined to a life of royalty would trap me within the cold stone walls of this palace. It made me feel despair. But most importantly, my plan must succeed. I must make the dragon prince help me! It didn't take long before we were allowed to go to the rooms assigned to us. I and the girls were ushered in and I felt it was weird that from the time we entered the palace up until now none of the girls had picked on me. I held on to the tea Didi gave me. If I want to succeed here, I would be needing it, she had said back then. I pushed the door to my room open, I knew the room would be magnificent but nothing prepared me for the beauty I was seeing before me. Grateful that they had not painted the room with feminine colour nor arranged it in a feminine way, I jumped on the king-sized bed and fumbled my way across the bed with my arms and legs. It's been so long since I had the privilege to sleep on a bed like this, Not that I have even seen one so big. “What do you think you are doing?” I suddenly heard a cold voice, so I stood up. “What do you mean what am I doing?” I didn't like the tone of his voice and definitely not as he stood before me with a towel around his waist. “This is my room!” “You mean my room” His head was damp from the shower! Why didn't I hear the water running? “Maybe it was a mistake. I was brought in here” I pointed my hand towards the door of the big room to emphasize my point. "Who did that if I may ask?" He said it so casually that it pissed me off. "Two maids, based on specific instructions from the queen. I was there when she said that, so I know that it came from her. There's no mistake about it." “Tsk..I guess you will be staying with me here,” He said with an aggressive tone. “You guess?! Didn't you arrange this yourself” “As much as you like to tell yourself that. I had no hand in choosing where you sleep. My parents did that. This whole thing happened because of them, I have done my part and that's all. Don't even for once think that I fancy you. You will only go where I tell you to go." I just looked at him as he talked. Before now, I had thought that he was only arrogant, but now it turns out it's far worse. He's also rude and nonchalant. “Then our deal is on then” I reminded him, I erased the fact that his words scraped a part of my feelings. “What deal?” He asked, as he strolled casually towards the huge wardrobe. With his back turned to me, this man removed the towel on his waist and let it fall to the ground. Is this man mad? What does he think he is doing going naked in front of a woman? I could feel a burning sensation on my cheeks but I didn't say anything. One thing I don't want to do is to make him think I am naive and this was new to me. “You know what deal I am referring to, let me out of here and. . . “ “And what? I thought we were over this. Give me something substantial and I will think about it. And besides, it will only be on my terms.” he said as he moved further into the wardrobe. He seemed determined to maintain his cold exterior—the prince himself, Prince Nikolai. He was the epitome of arrogance and entitlement, his actions and words making it clear that he had no interest in this arrangement or me. Our encounters have been awkward and tense, with the prince never missing a chance to display his disdain. But it all made sense now, he didn't want this too. When he walked out of the wardrobe, he was completely dressed. He then made a comment about how he was going for a ride, at this early hour. I didn't need to ask which ride, it was quite obvious that it was a ride on his dragon. As I watched him leave, I put my hand into the small purse I had clutched between my dress and brought out the tea, as the room door closed behind him. Didi had said this would make me relax, and I just couldn't wait to try it out. Was I really naive in thinking that I could handle this whole situation? I searched around the room for a cup. If this could help me relax and sleep, then that has to be the most important to me right now. It was early morning anyway.
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