-Evan- Chris was in the car with me. Usually, he would be talking constantly, but not anymore. He had turned quiet. So utterly quiet that it was enough to almost drive me insane. I hated it when he talked. Now I missed it. It was just so confusing, and I wished I knew what to say, but I had no idea. I had been through torture and abuse myself, but it took me years before I wanted to talk about it. Chris had only been back for a few months. I knew he needed more time. “Quit it,” he uttered almost silently. “What?” I inquired, not sure what he was talking about. He turned his head, no longer looking out of the window but at me. I just continued to look confused, so he pointed at the road. “Look at the road, man,” he urged, smiling a little. I sighed, turning my head and looking ahead.