Rest Well

674 Words

Chapter 29 James I knelt on the ground. This changed everything. I felt eyes on me but I didn't care. I shifted and took off running into the forest at the edge of our territory, releasing a howl of grief. I shutthe pack off from my mind because I needed a moment to myself. I stopped when I came to the  stream. We had walked here a few times. It was a spot we both called ours. It was a great thinking spot and I needed to be here to timeout from the world. I couldn't cry. It just wasn't in me but my heart did break, for myself, for the pack for everyone. . Trace I watched as the young alpha took off. I can't blame him I sighed and did what needed to be done. "Do you have an honor guard?" I asked those around me. A young warrior nodded. "Assemble your guard and carry the lunas body to wh

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