
745 Words

    Chapter 7 Alpha Zander   “So what are you proposing?”I listened quietly to the other alpha lay out his proposal. “ SO a peace treaty of sorts. WIth a member of my pack mating with a member of yours and vice versa. Hmm OK This could work. Sadly I don’t have a daughter but after the claiming this should be easy enough to fulfill. We don’t want to rob anyone of their gift from the moon goddess-” He agreed with me. “Perfect. Let's schedule a meeting for a week after the claiming, That should give us enough time to welcome new members in and bond them to the pack. I look forward as well.”   I hung up feeling irritated. The pack to the south of us has never been any trouble but all of a sudden seems Gilded Warriors pack wants to make a treaty. In theory it makes sense. A good treaty w

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