The Past

652 Words

Chapter 33 Marco My niece was dead. Finally. I was ready to head into the next phase of the plan. I needed to recover her body for the witch and work on killing James. One would think I would feel bad killing the last of my family but she was a burden. Always a burden. I begged my brother not to name me her guardian if anything were to happen to him or his wife but no. He had this lame idea that familia es familia. If only he were here now, he would regret those words.  *Flashback* "She is going to be really something , even if she only gets a bit of her moms powers. I want you to promise me that no matter what you will always keep an eye out for little princess." He looked at her fondly. I wanted to roll my eyes. "Miguel you know I have never been the family type. I haven't eve

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