Chapter [2]

1600 Words
[Love is of all passions the strongest, for it attacks simultaneously the head, the heart and the senses.] “What the f**k do you mean Titus!” Jackson yelled. Titus growled in warning at the packing member disrespecting his Alpha. Titus wasn’t just a billionaire he was also Alpha to one of the biggest packs in the country. Over the years Titus grew impatient and ruthless. From the lack of a mate. Ever since he turned 16, he waited for his mate to arrive. But sadly she never came. So Titus became the monster everyone was scared of. Even some of the humans were scared of him. But they didn’t know one key fact. That he was a werewolf. A creature of the night. “I mean what I just said! Now get the f**k out of my face.” Titus yelled using his Alpha command. Jackson hurried out of Titus’ office but not before Titus said “If you ever disrespect me again I will not hesitate to punish you” After Titus said that Jackson run out the door. Sighing Titus ran a hand down his face. He decided to get back to work. It’s not like he had anything better to do. Titus would spend hours on hours at his office. Because he’d rather work than go back to an empty house. That reminded him of the mate he had yet to find. how Titus longed for a mate. Someone who he would constantly shower in love and affenoon. But sadly he had no one. No one to have, to hold, to kiss when he came home. Something in the back of his head was nagging him, but it wasn’t his restless wolf like usual. It was something different. And Titus couldn’t tell if it was good or bad. Getting up he started to pace back and forth in his office. Titus was getting really annoyed with this feeling. Along with the constant whining from his wolf, it was really starting to piss him off. “Mathew have the patrols spotted anything at border?” Titus asked on the phone with his Beta Mathew. “No Alpha every thing seems to be in order” Mathew answered. Groaning Titus flopped down on office chair. He couldn’t understand this and whenever he tried it resulted in a major headache. ‘I got to get out of here’ Titus thought. Titus quickly walked out of the office towards his car. Once in he drove down the street eager to get to his home. It was like he wasn’t in control of his body. It was like soon unknown force was controlling him. And Titus didn’t fight. If anything he embraced it. Finally he arrived at his penthouse. Taking the elevator’s to the 14th floor. Unlocking the door Titus walked in and was greeted with silence. Sighing Titus walked further into the empty house. Titus hated being in his house when he didn’t have to. All of his friends met their mates when they were 16, they settled down and now have families. It drove Titus crazy. The sad part was the day before his 16th birthday he cleared half of his closet and even brought a diamond bracelet that said His One And Only. Titus still had it. The bracelet sat untouched in the bottom of dresser in a velvet box. By now the nagging had started to drive him crazy. He wanted to get out but he couldn’t, remained frozen in he house. ~~~ It’s been over an hour and Titus still couldn’t get rid of the feeling. Finally Titus gave up and waited. U Waited for something, anything to happen. He begged for something to happen just to get out of the house. Just then there was a knock at the door. Sighing he went to answer it. Not knowing who it was because Titus was not expecting anyone. “WHAT!” Titus growled out to the person daring to knock on his door. Titus heard the person whimper, he looked down at the girl to see her eyes were staring at her shoes. Immediately Titus regrets scaring the girl. Then out of nowhere Titus smells the most amazing smell ever, cherry blossoms and chocolate. Titus couldn’t believe it after eight year his mate finally arrived. Titus’ eyes soften staring at the timid girl. He thought she was the most beautiful girl he had ever laid eyes on. Titus continued staring at the girl for what seemed like ages. He could believe he was actually staring at his mate. Titus wanted nothing more than to engulf his mate in a bone crushing hug and press his lips to hers. But he couldn’t because she was human. In human terms that would seem really weird. She didn’t understand mates or werewolves. She didn’t understand how much she meant the Titus or how much he needed her. “Who are you” Titus asked using a softer tone this time. “I’m your new maid sir” the girl said still looking at her shoes. “Oh” was all Titus could say as a response. Titus moved out the way allowing the girl into his home. He lead her into the living room. Titus didn’t actually need a maid, he didn’t know why he hired one in the first place. But now he was glad he did. But Titus didn’t like the idea of having his mate clean his house. ‘Which would soon be ours’ Titus thought smiling a bit the thought. “Well not much needs to be cleaned just the living room and the two guest rooms. “Ok” the girl going straight to work. Titus walked over to the kitchen which was convinently located across from the living room to watch his mate. He pretended to be busy but was secretly stealing glances over her way. “How old are you?” Titus asked from the kitchen. The girl turn her head to look his in the eye. Titus was finally able to see what color her eyes were. They were a beautiful pale blue. As they continued to stare at each other it felt like time had stopped. It was just the two of them in their own little world. The girl was first to break eye contact. “Seventeen sir I turn eighteen in two months” she said going back to what she was originally doing. This was all new to her, she had never felt this way before. And frankly she was scared of it. She remained silent as so went back to what she was originaly do Titus keep asking her question and she would always give him short one sentence answers. The girl wondered why this man kept talking to her, but she kept answering. Whenever she answered one of Titus questions she would look anywhere but him. Sighing Titus walked in front of the small girl stopping her from what she was currently doing. “Are you scared of me?” Titus asked. The girl stared at him for a few seconds unsure of how to answer his question. She had to play this carfully. She heard rumors about Titus, how he killed people. But that wasn’t exactly true. She didn’t know about mates. So it was like tip toeing around glass. “Yes,” the girl said. Anger and frustration swirled around inside of Titus His own mate was scared of him. But if Titus heard some of the things people had said about him, he would be scared of himself. Turning away from the girl Titus walked back to the kitchen not wanting his mate to see him angry. It didn’t take Titus’ mate long to clean. Titus was sad to see his mate go. But Titus was determined to win her over the human way. The past hour was spent in silence neither one of them saying a word after the girl’s little confession. “Well everything is clean so I’m going to go now,” Titus’ mate said walking over to his front door. “What?” Titus said walking after her. Titus grabbed her wrist to stop her from walking out on him. The girl gasped slightly when she felt the electricity shoot up her arm from Titus‘ touch. Titus liked how he had an effect on her, even if she didn’t know what it was. “What’s your name?” Titus asked the questions he had been dying to ask since he first met her. “Blyth, Blyth Lux” Blyth said while taking her writ out of Titus’ grasp. Titus was silent for a few moments letting the name make a permanent imprint in his mind. Blyth took Titus’ silence and her cue to leave and that’s what she did she left. Titus was left once again alone in his house with the scent of his mate lingering around. This time when Titus was alone he didn’t feel sad about not having a mate. This time he was happy he had finally found her, he knew she was real. And would soon be Titus‘  That he swore.
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