The missing people from the cruise ship! Dawn remembered them all of a sudden. She attempted to get out of bed once again. She won't be able to stay in Athaver for long. Some need her help outside. " Yuela has already succeeded!" Vederci muttered. It's like she can read her thoughts. " I have my spies outside," Vederci added. " When will the spell expire?" she asked. Vederci chuckled. " Once you realize what you need to," she replied. " Is this a test?" Dawn sneered. Vederci patted her, " can't be a healer with just empathy. You have to understand what exactly pain is," she softly said to her. " When you arrive at that, then you can fully harness that force within you," Vederci added. Dawn didn't argue anymore. She would just wait then for this damn spell to ex