1128 Words

"She will be alright soon,' the man in the cloak uttered with a smile. I saw his face, his bright green eyes, green as a snake, and he looked so handsome with his long blonde hair across his shoulders. "Thank you so much, Roman.' Rayson thanked him. "I sincerely appreciate it, but know one thing. You will mark her to keep her safe.' "Wait! To keep her safe? He can mark her?' I suddenly blurted out in surprise, forgetting that I had not met this strange doctor before. I looked over at Rayson, who didn't utter a word, but turned his face away from me. "Yes, but she has to accept him in return, otherwise the imprintment wouldn't work on her,' Roman explained with a huge smile. Imprintment. Meaning his mark would not work on him if Luciana didn't agree to be his mate. "Really?' I wa

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