Chapter 24

2032 Words

"You see, I already had a feeling that you were a pretty weird guy and seeing this for myself just confirmed to me that you're weird," she said and I stared back at her, visibly confused as to why she would call me weird. I didn't see how having a personal space was considered a weird thing to do and I couldn't help but wonder how that made me seem weird. "What? Don't you like it? Do you think it's tacky? Or, are you one of those people who consider men that have their personal space as childish?" I asked and she threw me a dirty look. "Don't try to make it sound like I'm judging you or anything like that cause that's not the case. I'm only saying that you're weird because I can't understand why you would have a home in your office. I mean, what else do you need? You have a bed, a works

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