Chapter 4

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"I have my eyes on you, Jeffrey," she reminded me and I chuckled at how adorable she was being. "Whatever you say, mom," I teased and we continued to look around for a bit since the main exhibition was yet to start and I was only patiently waiting for the leeches to start doing what they do best. **** "Mr Stone!" A familiar voice called out my name and when I turned to see who it was, it turned out to be none other than Francisco Mendez, a former partner of mine and one of the most popular leeches in the industry. "It's so good to see you again Jeffrey. How long has it been?" he added and I would have rolled my eyes but that wouldn't be a very respectful behaviour on my part. "Hello, Mendez, it's good to see you too," I replied unenthusiastically, trying to keep my emotions away from my face as best as I could. "How has everything been? I heard about the Martell incident and I would have called you to check how things were on your side but as you know, La Diosa was going through a rocky patch and I had to focus solely on resolving things and avoiding bankruptcy," he said and I just knew where he was going to go with all of this. Francisco inherited his family's lingerie business about seven years ago and the only thing that he has done for that brand is ruin it. I used to invest in them when it was still run by his father and I worked with Francisco briefly but when I noticed that he was nothing but an i***t who only wanted to squander money without working for it, I withdrew my support and avoided doing any kind of business with him. "There was no reason for you to call because the Martell incident was not a big deal and the media only exaggerated the situation as expected but I am happy for you though. I heard you were able to temporarily avert filing for bankruptcy and that you have a new collection on the way," I said, indirectly letting him know that I'm aware of everything that's going on and even with my awareness, I have no interest in working with them again. "Well my friend, I had no other choice but to do my very best to avoid ruining the family business. I wouldn't want people to think that I'm the reason behind the downfall of the brand because believe it or not, that business was already on the verge of disappearance a few years before I was unfortunate enough to take over. Anyways, we do have a new collection coming up and you know, I wouldn't mind the support of an old friend," he replied, finally getting to his reason for approaching me in the first place. I let out a soft chuckle, contemplating how to refuse him without making it too obvious that I was very irritated by him. "Unfortunately Mendez, I won't be able to invest in your new collection. I'm currently investing in another brand that's quite similar to yours and I can't exactly invest in two identical brands, can I? Regardless, I wish you the best and I hope that your new collection is successful. Have a good day and enjoy the event," I replied and without bothering to let him try to convince me, I walked away. The event finally started and the artworks started being displayed to the amusement of quite a few people, except me. I've honestly never really cared for artworks and although it might sound weird since I'm a fashion designer, I just couldn't help how I felt. I get bored very quickly and I don't enjoy trying to understand the meaning behind complicated paintings. It's just very unnecessary to me. I tried going back to Tania since I was already getting bored but on my way, I ran into more old friends that I honestly had no interest in talking to because I knew that ever since I became a huge name in the industry, they stopped being good friends to me. Instead, the only thing they cared about was using my money and reputation as a stepping stone for them and I wouldn't have had a problem with that if they weren't being hateful and deceitful at the same time. "You don't even hang out with us anymore Jeffrey and I must say, that is pretty selfish on your part. I didn't think you were the type to let success make you forget your good old friends," Matthew said in his usual cocky tone and I almost scoffed. I had no intention of putting up with them cause they were of no use to me and I couldn't stand them. "Well, as you know, I've been too busy making a name for myself instead of sitting around and spending my parent's fortune. I'm in my thirties and I can't be fooling around like a kid in my twenties. Anyways, I hope you boys have fun tonight and enjoy your evening. By the way Matthew, I didn't forget you guys, I just didn't want to have anything to do with you since well, it wouldn't exactly be good for my reputation," I replied and bowed curtly before walking away and leaving them with even more reasons to dislike me. "Jeffrey!" I heard my name being called out and I almost groaned in frustration thinking it was another annoying person that was going to try to leech on me but fortunately, it turned out to be Hannah. "You finally remembered that you invited me here Hannah, how nice of you," I said to her sarcastically and she rolled her eyes. "Let me guess, you're bored already and you want to leave?" she asked. "I'm not going to deny the fact that I'm bored but, I won't be leaving yet since I made a promise to you," I replied and I could tell that she was very satisfied with my response. "Good then cause there's someone I'd like you to meet," she said, immediately wrapping her hands around and taking me to meet with heaven knows who. "May I ask who we're meeting Hannah? You know I don't like meeting with just anyone," I said and she chuckled before suddenly stopping in front of a huge painting. "Take a look at this Jeffrey, isn't this beautiful?" she asked and I stared back at the painting that simply looked like a bored person splashed paint all over an empty canvas only to end up calling it art. "If you say it is, then I guess it is. You know all of this looks the same to me," I told her truthfully. She sighed. "I'm not even surprised. I want you to meet a student of mine and the artist behind this wonderful work and a few other works around. Wait here and let me go get her," she instructed and even though I had no interest in meeting this student of hers, I knew I wouldn't hear the last of it if I didn't wait. After a few minutes of waiting, I finally spotted Hannah with a young lady beside her but she had her head bowed so I couldn't see her face. When they got closer, she looked up and my jaw almost dropped to the ground when I saw her. "Well Jeffrey dear, meet my student and the artist behind this beautiful painting, Amanda Hathaway," Hannah introduced. "It's nice to finally meet you, Mr Stone," she greeted and I simply froze, not knowing how to react to the very woman I have stopped thinking about in the last few months. ###Chapter 5 Meeting Jeffrey Stone AMANDA I walked around, taking a look at the different paintings that were being displayed. Anyone would notice the proud look on my face cause I couldn't hide how excited I was to be exhibiting my art alongside a famous artist like Hannah Wilfred. Of course, I managed to compose myself and contain my happiness but watching people admire my work and seeing how they tried to understand the meaning behind my paintings, made me feel very proud. After what happened a few months ago, I had made up my mind to live for myself and focus on my career as an artist and when I arrived in LA, I was lucky enough to meet Hannah and she helped me work on myself and taught me how to portray my emotions and make it into an artwork. I spotted Hannah walking toward me from a distance and I already had an idea why she was coming to me. Earlier today before the exhibition started, she had told me that she wanted to introduce me to someone that could supposedly help my career as an artist. "Thank goodness that I finally found you, sweetie," Hannah said as soon as she was in front of me and I raised my brows, pretending not to know why she was looking for me. "Remember the man I promised to introduce you to?" she asked. I sighed. "Yes Hannah, I remember him. So, what about him exactly?" I asked. "Well, I just informed him that I'd like him to meet with you and he's waiting for us at this moment. We need to hurry up because I'm pretty sure that he won't be here for much longer and it would be such a waste to lose this opportunity," she explained and honestly, I wasn't too excited about the idea. "Do I have to meet with him?" I asked, wondering why Hannah was so insistent that I met with this good friend of hers. She had mentioned that he was one of the most influential men in the country and that the reason why the event was this packed with so many renowned business owners was because she had announced that he would be here and a lot of people wanted to meet with him. "For the umpteenth time Amanda, yes, you have to. Jeffrey Stone is not just any ordinary man and he could invest in your work and help you take your art to the next level. I must warn you though, that he could appear a little bit uninterested because he isn't a huge fan of art but as an artist, you should try to make him see the meaning behind your work and understand the beauty of art," she explained and I was already not loving the idea. I couldn't understand why I had to explain art to someone who doesn't even like art, it's like trying to explain to an atheist that God exists even when you know they'll never believe a word you say. I wasn't even a fan of the idea of kissing up to rich and influential people because I can't stand rich idiots who think the world revolved around them simply because they had money and the second he rubs off on me as one, I won't be able to contain my dislike for him. "What makes you think that I can change his mind and get him to invest in my work? If the man doesn't like art then there's no reason for me to bother myself. I'm pretty sure they're other options in here that would know how to appreciate a work of art and I wouldn't have to try too hard to get them to invest in me," I argued but when she threw me a dirty look, I knew that I was already making her frustrated. "Don't you think I already know that sweetie? I'm aware that they're other options in the room but just so you know, I wouldn't be so persistent about this man if I didn't think he was the best option and if he eventually doesn't seem interested, we'll move to other options. Besides, if you can get this man to support you, I can assure you that you wouldn't need to try to get anyone else because they'll all come running. Now, enough talking dear and come with me," she demanded and immediately grabbed me by my arm and started dragging me with her.
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