
1111 Words

Kylie's PoV "Nothing. Nothing. I don't care, Bennet. That's why I'm taking you to the airport, right?! Please. I can't carry all my luggage to the airport!" I shouted on the other line. "You know I can't. it's my Honeymoon with my wife period, cousin..." Bennet answered on the other line. I hit my forehead suddenly. Yes, it is. I forgot that this man is getting married. "Honeymoon period is four months when your wife is pregnant!" I will open it. Bennet laughed. "You're in Sephiro, aren't you?" that man "Yeah," I answered. "I'll just take you to the staff there so you won't have any trouble. I think this is your first time traveling on your own. Just how come?" Yes. Why? First time without an assistant. Oh Because I asked for a solo vacation. The solo-vacation that didn't go throug

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