Chapter 69 I'm By Your Side

631 Words

The expression on Kaden's face froze for a moment. "Will I look forward to seeing Tiffany come out after changing her clothes? "What a joke! Who will look forward to a divorcee's dress show? "The blonde and blue-eyed beauties are what I look forward to the most." He restrained his amiability and said coldly, "You talk too much." The shop assistant realized that she had said something wrong. She apologized and left. After hearing the shop assistant's words, Kaden couldn't drink the coffee in his hand anymore. He put down the cup and walked to the dressing room. Before he reached the dressing room, he saw Tiffany sitting on a chair with her eyes closed. The shop assistant was brushing her eyelashes. Her eyelashes were long and thin, but they were not raised enough. After being cleaned

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