Chapter 34 Admit Her Mistake

654 Words

Tiffany played with the broken bracelet and said with a smile, "Should I be to blame just because of your words?" "It's your fault! You were the one who hit me and make me fall!" "It is also possible that you deliberately hit me and I am innocent." For the first time, Hailee felt that Tiffany was so sharp-tongued. In the past, Tiffany had always been a person who was not able to defend herself. At this time, when Hailee saw Pedro, Hailee immediately called him over. "Pedro, come on!" Pedro was ready to leave. He had only come today to give gifts. When he saw Tiffany, he stayed for a while. In fact, he still had a lot of work to do. "What's wrong?" He walked over and asked. "My bracelet was broken by her, but she still refuses to admit it!" Hailee complained. When Pedro saw Tiffany

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