Chapter 29 They Are Wrong

643 Words

Tiffany rested at home for a day, and Clara drove over to see her. "This is an invitation to Malcolm's birthday party. He said I had to give it to you personally." Tiffany took the invitation and glanced at the time. It was today. "How old is he?" Clara pretended to be surprised and said, "You can't even remember how old he is. If Malcolm knew, he would definitely be heartbroken." Tiffany did not really forget. In fact, she remembered. Malcolm Ellerker was a year younger than her and was her junior. Back then, when the dance club was recruiting new members, he was one of the most active. The night before she confessed to Pedro, he confessed to her first. It was then that she realized she had been liked by a boy for so long. However, her obsession with Pedro was too deep, so she part

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