Chapter 87 keep Scolding Me

754 Words

Hashtags: "Versace's all products spokesperson officially announce" and "Tiffany's Advertisement." ...... Tiffany's name was also on the trending list. Maybe it was because Versace had bought it. [Isn't she the one on Love Show before? Wow, I feel that she is even more beautiful when filming advertisements.] [Am I the only one who's curious about the reason why she quit the variety show halfway? It's said that she offended someone. After she left, the variety show was extremely boring. What's wrong with the newcomer, Estrella?] [Tina is indeed a beauty. Just because of her appearance, I'll place an order!] Tiffany browsed through the comments and send a screenshot to her family members. Soon, she received a call from her mother. "Dad and Mom saw it. You are really amazing. It hasn't

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