Chapter 77: f**k me harder

1369 Words

YENA          Watching Nolan hold Gina in his arms, even in this context. It made me feel like I’d been stabbed in the heart. Luckily other people rushed over to help, and Nolan passed her off to someone else for medical care. Nolan was inching away from Gina, not letting his eyes depart from her. At first the jealous wolf inside me was enraged. I wanted my husband to come rushing back to my side. I wanted him to leave that skinny b***h behind and not care what happened to her. But that was irrational. Nolan was still playing his part. Looking concerned about a person who’d suddenly fainted at his party. It had never really been fun for me to be in public gatherings with Nolan. He was so different when he switched into Prince mode. I didn’t like that side of him. It made me ache.

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