Chapter 12 The Fix

1646 Words

NOLAN He pressed his ear to the door but heard nothing further. He knocked. Nothing. Without thinking, he gave the door a little push, and it swung open. Yena was sprawled out in bed with a white bedsheet wrapped tightly around her dramatic curves. She was talking in her sleep. “Evan…” she whispered. Nolan tensed. She was dreaming about the boy. The brother. His pulse increased. His heart started hammering away in his chest again. “Where did you put…” Yena continued, her voice soft and sleepy. “The chocolates… Where are my chocolates?” Nolan stifled a laugh. “Greedy girl,” he whispered. A breeze drifted through the hall and swept a chill into the bedroom. Yena shivered in her sleep. A quilt was on the floor in a heap, having fallen off the bed. He waved his hand. It slid bac

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